Why does this always happen to me?

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Karly POV

               Regina's vault was... creepy to say the least. All the stuff in there just gave me the creeps.
"Okay, things in here can be dangerous so don't touch anything," Regina said, and Henry and I promised not to touch.
I walked over to a shelf and looked over it. It was filled with boxes, and some of them had a red light glowing from the insides. I didn't want to know what was in them.
There was the sound of something hitting the floor. I turned around. Regina was unconscious on the ground and Henry was taking something out of a box.
               "What the heck Henry!" I yelled.
               He turned around and looked into my eyes. There was a glint of mischief, not like the twins, more like and evil mischievous look in his eyes. Oh gosh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I've only seen that look on one other person. And that other person, was Pan.
"Oh gosh, no. You didn't?" He couldn't have.
"Hello Karly," he said and I knew.
Pan had switched bodies with my brother, and tricked us. I didn't hesitate. I ran up the stairs of the vault, trying to get out. But, of course, I couldn't get out. Regina had put a spell that so that no one could get in, which meant we couldn't get out. At least without magic, and I didn't have my wand.
          I felt a hand on my shoulder and I stoped trying to get out the door.
           "You can't take my heart, there is a protection spell," I said, desperate to get out and away from him.
He turned me around. Gosh it was scary to know that the guy who said he loved you but also wanted to kill you was inside your brothers body.
"I know, but that's not why I'm here," there was a puff of smoke and we weren't in the vault anymore. We were on a hill overlooking Storybrooke. And I was chained to a tree... again.
George save me, please, I thought desperately, please don't leave me with him.
              Henry/Pan and Felix were faced away from me. They were dropping things into a well. I barely heard they're conversation.
             "...the heart of the thing I love most."
              That caught my attention real quick. I was pretty sure I was the thing Pan loved the most.
             George save me. Before he kills me.

(A/N sorry it's been taking me long to update. I have been having some writers block on most of my stories and I haven't had much time to write. Please comment and vote and Happy Holidays!)

Updated 2/11/17

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