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Karly POV
I finally started coming to. My head was pounding, and I couldn't remember what had happened. It slowly came back to me. The train ride, talking to my mom, me and George kissed, I had been kidnaped... I had been kidnaped. I sat up. I was in a dark forest locked in a cage. But the cage wasn't metal, it was made out of wood.
"Glad to see your finally awake," a male voice said.
I looked around, "who's there?"
A young man, who couldn't be older than 16 walked out of the trees.
"Hello Karly," he said.
My eyes widened, "how do you know my name?"
"I know a lot more than that. My names Peter. Peter Pan."


George POV
Things were crazy around the Burrow. Karly's mom, Emma, her grandparents, Mary Margret and David, and her brother's adoptive mother, Regina, and two men they apparently knew, Rumplestiltskin(aka Mr. Gold) and Captain Hook, had arrived a little while ago. We called them as soon as we could. They had come over as quickly as they could. But before they had come Karly's brother, Henry, had also been taken. I didn't know what to do. I knew one thing though, whoever took her better not hurt her, or else they would deal with me. And an angry Sirius Black.
Harry had told us everything, and wrote to Sirius telling him what had happened to Karly. We were pretty sure Sirius was going to come back and help. Mum had been a little worried at first at the thought of him coming over here (he is after all being hunted by the ministry) but Harry convinced her that if we didn't let him stay with us the dementors would most likely get him and give him the dementors kiss. Karly would not be happy if we had, in a way, killed her father.
I couldn't stop thinking about Karly. I hoped she was okay. I'd hate myself if she'd got hurt, even if it wasn't my fault.
Emma walked over to me, "Did you know her well?" She asked.
Did I know Karly well? I knew her better than anyone. We had always been really close. I knew pretty much everything about her. How her eyes lit up when she smiled. How she would hide in the garden when she was upset. How you had to continuously ask her what's wrong before she would tell you anything. There were so many things I knew about Karly. Maybe that's why I liked her so much. Maybe that's why I couldn't stop thinking about her.
"Yeah, I know her pretty well. I mean grew up with her so I should," I told Emma.
"I feel horrible," she said with a sigh.
"Why do you feel horrible? You didn't have anything to do with her being taken," I asked.
"My son and daughter were just taken, I couldn't help either of them. My son Henry's father was just killed because he was helping me. I haven't even met my daughter because I was to young to be a mother. And now, I might never meet her, I think I have a great reason to feel horrible," she said.
I winced slightly when she said 'might never meet her.' We are going to get her back. We have to.
I'll make sure you come home Karly, I promise. You'll meet your family.

(A/N please comment and vote!!)

Updated 1/23/17

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