Meeting Henry

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Karly POV
               It didn't take long before the camp filled up with lost boys again. I stopped talking with Wendy as soon as the first one came in. They lowered me down and out of the cage. I considered running but I knew I wouldn't get far.
              They shoved something into my arms, "change now!" One of the boys said.
            I looked at what they had shoved into my arms. It was a very short black dress with no sleeves and practically no back.
           "There is no way you will get me into this dress," I told them, with complete seriousness.
           That didn't stop them. They forced me into that dress, and as soon as I was in it chained me to a tree.
            "What on earth-" I was cut off by them wrapping a piece of fabric around my mouth.
               I fought the chains and screamed through the gag. This day couldn't get worse could it?
             Suddenly the boys started hiding behind stuff. I didn't understand or care. I kept struggling against my restraints. I heard something above me and I looked up. There was Pan, and a boy probably no older than twelve flying. I fought harder against the restraints when I saw Pan not thinking about the fact that they were actually flying. I need to get away from him, I thought.
           The two landed in front of me, but the young boy was facing Pan. He hadn't seen me yet. But I kept fighting. I fought so hard against those restraints it started to hurt and tears started streaming down my face.  
          I barely heard anything the two said. But I soon realized that the lost boys had started coming out, and the boy had seen me.
         "Let's play," Pan said.
          My eyes widened. No! No no no! Not again! This can't be happening again!
           The young boy didn't care about that statement. He ran over to me, and took the gag off my mouth.
           "Are you ok?" He asked.
            I shook my head, "go, get out of here. You could go, you could outrun them-"
            "Stop giving him false hope Karly. You know he couldn't escape here. Besides is that any way to great your brother," Pan said.
            My eyes widened some more. I looked at the boy.
            "Henry?" I whispered.
            He nodded, and more tears fell down my face. I was very wrong before. Things could definitely get worse.
Before I could say anything else, Pan blew some pick powder on my face and I fell asleep. I slept and dreamed of being back at the Burrow, where there was no Peter Pan to worry about. There was just the cozy home, the family I grew up with, and the boy I liked.

(A/N hoped you liked this chapter. Please please please comment and vote!)

Updated 1/26/17

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