Brother and sister

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Henry POV

I had pulled Karly closer to me when Pan came by. I wouldn't let him hurt my sister. I had accepted the fact really quickly and was if it weren't for the fact that we were basically being held prisoner I would be really excited. But since we were basically being held prisoner I just unchained her from the tree and held her close as she slept off the poppy dust (as I found out that was what Pan blew into her face.)
            "You know why they didn't tell you about her, right?" Pan asked.
            I avoided his gaze and started braiding a pice of Karly's hair, a skill I learned from trying to make rope. I did this to both of my mom's hair when I was trying to calm down.
            "I know they never told you about her. And I know why. They were ashamed," Pan said. He's lying. Don't listen to him.
         "Emma never wanted you or anyone to know because she was ashamed about it. She was ashamed-"
         "Stop! Stop lying about my mom!" I yelled at him.
          He smiled. Dang it! He wanted me mad, I thought.
           "Your an special boy Henry. You don't even know the half of it," Pan said.
           "I don't care, besides my family will be coming for me and Karly soon."
           Pan started laughing, "you think your the first one to think that. Everyone says that, until they realize that no one coming."
            I turned away from Pan, I wouldn't let him get under my skin. Karly stirred a little and looked like she might be having a nightmare, I thought that mostly because she started tossing and turning and moaning. I tried calming her down, it didn't help. She said somethings, mostly names I think.
            "Ron... George... Harry... Hermione... Ginny... no... I don't know... ahhh," she finally woke up.
             She was breathing deeply and I tried calming her down. I saw she had started crying and I hugged her. She turned around to face me.
            "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry," she whispered.
             I didn't say anything, I just pulled her over to me and hugged her. I wondered if she had nightmares often but decided against asking her if she did. I kept her close as she cried and continued to hope that our family would come soon. But until then I would be fine just being a brother to my sister. That's all I could do right now. Hopefully it would be enough.

(A/N hope you liked this chapter. Please comment and vote!! I need feedback! Thanks!)

Updated 1/26/17

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