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Sirius POV

It took less than a day to get to the Burrow. But I didn't stop the whole time I was getting there. Emma met me outside when I got there.
"Hello Sirius."
"Emma, you haven't changed," I said, remember the girl I knew.
"Neither have you, how's the rest of the Marauders?" I was shocked she remembered them.
"Not so great. Peter turned out to be a traitor, I was thrown in Azcaban for something I never did, James... James and his family were targeted by Voldemort and when he found them he killed James and Lily, and Remus has had to deal with his 'fury problem' alone," I knew I shocked her, all that had happened in 15 years.
"Sirius," Harry yelled when he saw me.
He ran over and hugged me. I saw Emma raise an eyebrow. I laughed a little.
"Don't get any ideas Emma, this is Harry. He's James's kid, but my godson," I told her and Emma looked like she sighed in relief.
              A woman with short dark hair and dark eyes walked out the house.
"We think we know where they are," the woman with the dark hair said.
"Who are you, and who else is missing?" I asked really confused.
"This is Regina, Henry my sons adoptive mother. And Henry was also taken," Emma explained
"Nice to meet you," Regina said coldly, then turned to Emma, "Gold has an idea where they were taken. Neverland."
"Wait as in Peter Pan Neverland?" Emma asked.
"Who's Peter Pan?" I asked.
"A muggle story I'll explain later," Harry told me.
"You'll be explaining it to anyone who's coming with us," Regina said.
I got the impression that Regina wasn't happy at this whole situation. And I don't blame her. Her adoptive son had been kidnapped. But before I could ask anything else we all started walking inside. When I saw Mrs and Mr. Weasley I went over to them.
"Thank you, for taking care of my daughter for all that time," I told them.
Mr. Weasley looked surprised and Mrs. Weasley looked like she might faint, but that didn't stop her from saying this.
"It wasn't a problem, and I'm sorry about this whole mess your in. I can't believe that Scabbers was the traitor all this time. He's lived here for 12 years!"
I smiled a little at them, "our enemies can lurk in the most unlikely places."
They both nodded and the I saw one of Ron's brothers looking really distraught. I walked over to him.
"You seem really upset about something," I told him.
           He looked up at me, "Can you blame me? I finally admitted that I liked her. After almost 13 years of secretly loving her more than a sister, I finally tell her. And then she's taken away," he said then buried his head in his arms.
               I sat down next to him, "I know how you feel-"
                "No you don't," he snapped, "you didn't know her. You've only knew Karly for a day then you left, again. You know, when they let her out of the hospital wing, when she was fully healed, she came to me and cried. She told me she had just met her father and now he was gone again. She thought she's never see you again and that hurt her. She... she..." he couldn't continue, he has started sobbing.
            A boy, identical to the other, came over.
             "Not again. George you need to pull yourself together. I know you love her but you can't do anything like this."
             "Fred I'll pull myself together when I know where Karly is and if she's ok," George said.
              Fred rolled his eyes. I knew they were brothers just by the look similarities. But now I figured they were twins.
             George wiped his eyes and turned back to me, "I'm sorry I kinda snapped at you."
              "No, no, your right. I have never been there for Karly. I barely know anything about her. You do, and your right, I left. I left and when I come back it's not even for a day and then I'm gone. But trust me if I had a choice I wouldn't go anywhere," I told George.
            He nodded, understanding completely. Someone asked everyone to be quiet and Regina, Harry, and Hermione were at the front of the room.
             "Alright, we have an idea where Henry and Karly are. Now all we need is a plan," Regina said, "we think they're in Neverland."
An older man spoke up, "you don't think dearie, I do. Your just jumping on any possible lead to get your son back."
Regina glared at him. A man with a hook for one of his hands who was wearing a long black coat and looked like a pirate spoke up, "if they are in Neverland then they're being held by a demon. Peter Pan."
"Who is this Peter Pan?" I asked.
Hermione pulled a book out of her bag, and showed it to us.
"This is the story of Peter Pan."

(A/N please comment and vote. I want to know what you think of my chapters. Tell me what you think and what I can do better)

Updated 1/25/17

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