Dreams and nightmares

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Karly POV
              Only two people know about the nightmares, as far as I know. I'm sure that George told more people and Ginny hears me when I have them, but I swore her to secrecy. I had only told George. I have these nightmares often, sometimes twice a night.
             Most people know about what happened last year with the chamber of secrets. But most people don't know that I was also involved. And if they did know they didn't remember. The only people who would remember would be Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dumbledor, Ginny, Mr and Mrs. Weasley, Fred, George, and Percy.
                 What people know: Ginny Weasley was possessed by something and forced to open the chamber and set the monster on some of the students. She didn't know what she was doing and wasn't really responsible for what happened since it was against her will.
             What actually happened: Ginny and myself were possessed. Ginny was possessed first by the diary, but I realized it was doing something to her and I took it. It eventually possessed me and I was the one who was taken into the chamber.
The story that people know is true, just with another person. I don't know how people don't remember the fact that I was there instead of Ginny, but I really don't care.
Ginny has nightmares as well, but as she doesn't tell anyone about mine I don't tell anyone about hers. After sharing a room our entire lives we have a bond that's a lot like a sisterly bond.
             The nightmares change but they're always close to the same thing. Tom Riddle telling me things. Things about my friends that I don't want to be true, things about myself that scare me. What's even worse is that they really are all memories. Everything that I  dreams is memories. It's strange, and a little annoying, but I've gotten used to it by now. Well for the most part.
              The most recent dream scared me so bad I started crying. Henry was there to help. Usually Ginny was there to help calm me down, but she wasn't in Neverland (thank goodness.) Henry was really good at calming me down though, brotherly touch I supposed.
Flashback to dream
          "Why? Why did you make me? Ron, George, the Weasley's, they didn't deserve to have their daughter possessed. And all to get to Harry. You made me hurt Hermione, just to hurt Harry. Why?" I asked Tom.
He smiled at me, "I don't need to share my reasons with you Karly."
I glared at him, "you were going to hurt Ginny. I have every right to know why you were going to hurt my sister."
"She's not your sister though," he countered.
"No, your wrong. She's my sister," I said and my hands started balling into fists.
"And I thought you were smart. You know your not a Weasley. Your a scared girl who wasn't wanted by her family so she was given away. I know you know it's true. But I guess you won't have time to admit it."
My eyes widened, I just remembered where I was. My knees started going week and I noticed Tom was getting clearer.
"What are you doing to me?" I asked as I fell to the ground.
"I am doing nothing, you did this all to yourself," Tom said with a malevolent smile.
End flashback
"Hey, hey, it's gonna be ok," Henry whispered.
I slowed down my breathing, which helped slow down my heart rate. I leaned back a little away from Henry. I looked at him for a while. We didn't look alike at all. But then again I took mostly after my dad, and we didn't have the same father, so it made sense.
Pan walked up behind me. I only knew because Henry tensed up and Pan touched my shoulder which made me tense up.
"Karly, I need to talk to you," Pan said.
"Then talk," I snapped not turning to face him.
"I meant alone," Pan said obviously getting a little annoyed.
I want to say something super sassy. I decided not to push it though. I knew that if I kept going I'd get to far. And I did not want to be one the receiving side of an angry Pan.
I sighed and got up. Henry stood up with me but I shook my head. There was no way I'd let him get into this more than he needed to be. I turned to face Pan, suddenly really concise of the dress they had forced me to wear. It was way too short for my taste and I felt too exposed with it having no sleeves and practically no back.
Pan smiled at me and held out his hand. I didn't take it. I wouldn't take it. He sighed when he realized I wouldn't take his hand and started walking a little ways into the forest. I reluctantly followed. I looked behind me to see Henry. He looked like he might follow us.
"I'll be ok, stay where you are," I mouthed.
Henry nodded in response. And I continued to follow Pan.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked after a few minutes of just walking in silence.
Pan stopped walking and turned to face me. He stared deeply in my eyes like he did before. I was so tempted to run. But before I could I felt Pan's lips against mine. I tensed up so quickly and pulled away soon.
"What the heck! What the heck is wrong with you?" I screamed.
"Karly, I love you. I've loved you for a long time. I know you used to love me-"
"I've never loved you. And I never will. And your efforts to try and make me love you are too late. I love George, I have for a long time. You are too late to change my mind," I said.
I heard footsteps crashing behind us. I looked in the direction of the sound. But before I could see anything, Pan grabbed me by the waist and started flying. I yelled down at the ground but I was too late. Pan started heading towards Skull rock. And I started panicking.

(A/N I hope you liked this chapter. I know this is going really fast and I probably should slow it down a little but I think I'll make more stories to go with this one so don't freak out. There will be more. Please comment and vote! Thank you all!)

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