The past

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Karly POV
We landed on scull rock in front of a giant hourglass. It was filled with golden sand, but most of it was at the bottom.
          "What is this?" I asked.
           "It shows how much time Neverland has. How much time I have."
           I looked at him shocked. As much as I disliked him for kidnaping me and Henry, and then saying he has feelings more than friendship, Pan had been my friend, but only just a friend. At that time I had just found out who my dad was and I didn't take it so well knowing that my dad was a mass-murderer, and that I'd have to go to school with people knowing that. Now I know he was innocent but still. At 11 your excited about starting school, but I was... lost. Lost in my feelings about it all. I guess that's why Pan always called me a lost girl.
"The only thing that can save me is either yours or your brothers heart. You both have two hearts of the truest believers. And I need one of those hearts to stay alive," Pan said.
Torn. That was what I was. Torn between... I don't even know what I'm torn between! I just know that I shouldn't say no but I also shouldn't say yes. But I can't let him die.
"What would I need to do?" I asked.
Pan smirked. He made my hand glow red for a second, "the heart needs to be given willing. You need to take out your heart. You can now."
I nodded. I let Peter guide my hands to know what I'm doing. I did everything I needed to. Soon I was holding a glowing heart. I was breathing heavily.
"What.... what happens when I do this?" I asked, worried.
Pan looked me in the eyes, "You save everyone and the island."
I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and pushed my heart into Peter. I screamed in the pain that suddenly enveloped me, and then everything went black as the ground rushed to met me.

(A/N I know this is a short chapter but there wasn't much that happened in the amount of time it would take for them to get there so yeah. Please comment and vote! Thanks!)

(After update authors note: so I kinda had to rewrite this entire chapter, and I'm sorry if you read it while it wasn't done yet. Wattpad won't let you just save the chapter as a draft after you've published it. Sorry again!)

Updated 1/28/17

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