Time is running out

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Sirius POV

We followed George up the stairs. And when we saw Karly on the ground not breathing and Pan glowing and slightly floating, well we all kinda lost it.
Emma, Hook, and I ran over to Karly. Fred looked like he didn't know where to be or what to do. George walked right up to Pan and punched him in the face.
Pan wasn't effected by the blow, he actually started laughing.
"She has one of the hearts of the truest believers. I needed that to keep me alive. Soon I'll take all the power and she'll die," Pan said.
I turned to Karly. She looked so peaceful, like James and Lily did. No this can't be happening again! I can't lose another person I care about, not after Lily and James, I thought.
Emma looked close to tears and I didn't blame her. The first time she gets to see her daughter and she might die. No! I won't let her die. Not if I can help it, I thought. George punched Pan again but it still didn't effect him.
Fred went up to help him but they were both stopped by a forcefield Pan put up. But it didn't stop them from trying. I decided to help them, but it didn't help.
Pan eventually disappeared. The forcefield disappeared. We ran back to Karly.
"Emma do you think you could transport us back?" Hook asked.
"Maybe," Emma said.
She tried a transporting spell that worked. We were in Pan's camp. A young boy ran up to us.
"Mom! Wha-" he stopped when he saw Karly, "what happened?"
"I'll explain in a minute kid, where's Regina?" Emma said and I knew the boy was Henry.
Regina, Mary Margret, and David came running over.
"What happened?" Snow asked.
"Pan, he took Karly's heart and now if we don't hurry..." Emma started.
"She'll die," Hook finished.
Mary Margret and David looked shocked. Regina decided to do something. She came over and out a spell over her.
"It's a preservation spell it should keep her in this state as long as possible. And buy us some time," she said.
"Good, we need it," George said.
"Ok, where would Pan be?" Emma asked.
I turned to look at the lost boys. Some looked frightened, others looked mad. One in particular caught my eye. He was a little older than some of the others, but that wasn't what caught my attention. He looked happy, happy about this whole mess. I walked over to the boys.
"Who here would know where Pan would be?" I asked.
             Some of the boys looked like they might answer but looked at the older boy and said nothing. Emma walked over.
            "Don't listen to them they won't give you anything they promise," the older boy said.
            Emma walked over to a small boy, "where is Pan?" She asked softly.
            "Would you take me home? To my real home if I told you?" He asked.
           Emma nodded, "we will take all of you home. We can take you back with us to a place called Storybrook."
            "Your loyalties lie with Pan, you will be a traitor if you tell them anything!" The older boy said.
            I turned to him, "our daughter is dying. Do you think we would lie about this? I want her back but not so badly I would ruin some innocent kids ability to trust!"
            "His thinking tree," the little boy said,"he's most likely there."
            "Thank you," Emma said and smiled at him, "Regina, Sirius, you and I will go find Pan. Mom, dad, Hook, take everyone back to the boat and wait for us."
             "I'm coming with you," George said.
             "Oh, no, no, no, no, I'm not caving this time. You are not coming. That's final," I said.
              "I don't care. The only way you'll keep me from coming is if you tie me to a tree or something like that," George said.
              "Well I can't tie you to a tree since we won't be coming back here, but I can do this," Regina said and transported George somewhere in a cloud of red smoke.
              "Regina!" Emma said.
              "Relax he's on the boat, but there is no way he can come out. He's going to be tied to a pole below deck."
               "Alright," I said and then saw two cages hanging in a tree next to us, "let's also have those guys freed and take them with us."
             Mary Margret, David, and Hook nodded. We started heading towards where a lost boy directed us. The tree wasn't hard to find. It practically glowed. But when we got close to it vines shot out of the ground and tied us against the tree.
             "Amazing isn't it. How much regret a person can have," Pan said.
            We all started struggling against the vines. Pan laughed at our attempts.
            "It's no use. You won't be able to break them. You see, they'll stay as long as you regret things. And let's be honest, you all have a lot of regret. By the time I'll let you go, I'll have all the power I need to keep me and Neverland alive and Karly will be dead. And we all know there is no magic that will bring back the dead."
                 That didn't stop us from trying. Pan just kept laughing at our attempts.
                "Why don't we see what you regret. Let's start with the evil queen," Pan said and turned to Regina.
               Regina glared at him, but then paused.
                "Of course I regret things. I hurt so many lives. But you know, I really don't regret them," vines broke off her and she took Karly's heart out of Pan, "because all of that helped me get where I am and I'm happy for that."
                 Regina turned around and helped us off the tree. Pan was unconscious.
"How did you know that would work?" Emma asked.
"I didn't, I thought it might so I tried it. But that's not important," she handed Emma Karly's heart, "let's get back to the boat and save your daughter."
Regina transported us back to the boat. All of the lost boys were there and two other people I had never seen before. One was a young girl with long blonde curls and bright blue eyes. The other was a man who had brown hair and brown eyes. Emma looked shocked to see the man but didn't acknowledge him. Instead she walked right up to David.
"Where is she?" She asked.
David brought us up near the steering wheel of the boat and we saw Karly laying on the deck. Emma gave Regina the heart so that Regina could fix this mess. I hoped with all my heart we weren't out of time.
Regina put Karly's heart back into Karly. Nothing happened for a minute. I started to loose hope and then Karly's eyes opened and she was breathing deeply. Emma and I sighed in relief and everyone else cheered. Except out of the corner of my eye that older boy (who I found out was named Felix.) He looked mad, and I knew why. He was one of Pan's most loyal people, and Pan had just failed.
"Can we leave this cursed island. I think we all would like to never see it again," Karly said once her breathing had slowed down, and we all laughed.
I suddenly remembered George.
"Shoot, George.
He's still below deck I'm guessing," Mary Margret and David nodded, "I'll go get him," I said.
"Why is George below deck?" Karly asked.
Emma told her everything that happened. I went down to the lower deck and saw George, tied to one of the polls.
"Can you guys please let me go?" George asked.
I laughed and untied the ropes, freeing him. George ran up the stairs and out to the upper deck. I smiled, Karly will be crazy not to love him. And I sure won't mind him as a son in law, I thought.
I headed upstairs to be with my daughter. I hoped that the time with her would never end.

(A/N hope you liked this chapter. This story is almost done but there will be other stories to go with it. Please comment and vote!)

(Updated authors note: hey hey!! So I didn't do anything to update this one yet. I will update it eventually. I need to rewatch this season of Once Upon a Time to fix it, and between swim and family drama it's not going to happen soon. I'll update it as soon as I can. Updated authors note 1/28/17)

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