Live for love

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Karly POV
George came running up the stairs when I finally was able to push myself up. When he saw me he grinned and ran over.
"Nice to see you-" I was cut off when he scooped me up and spun me around.
"Put me down before my mom has a heart attack," I said while laughing.
Mom looked scared for a minute there but before she could say anything someone caught her attention. She walked over to the guy and it looked like they were arguing in whispers.
George groaned,"fine."
He reluctantly set me down. But before he pulled away he whispered something in my ear.
"I love you Karly Black."
I blushed and whispered, "I love you to George Weasley."
He smiled and kissed me gently. I wanted this to last forever, but it didn't.
Mom and the guy had moved from whispers to yelling. And it wasn't pretty.
"You were dead, Neal. We all thought you were dead," mom said.
"Emma I still care for you-"
"You left me in jail and then you were dead. I can't do this anymore," mom yelled at him.
Dad came up the stairs. He walked over to us.
"What's going on here?" He asked.
"We don't know," George said.
Henry walked over, and sat down next to us.
"Henry do you know what they're arguing about?" I asked.
"That's my birth father. He left mom when some cops were after him and she was put in jail. I was born in jail with her. I don't know anything else," Henry said.
A woman joined us as well.
"Neal was shot by one of the people who took Henry. He feel through a portal and we thought there was no way he could survive. Henry I think its time you go to bed," she said.
Henry nodded and headed below deck.
           "Oh and before I forget," She cast a spell that made my chest glow for a minute, "it's a protection spell. That way no one can take your heart again. I also did one to Henry as I'm assuming that he has the other heart of the truest believers."
I nodded, "thank you..."
"Oh that's right, I'm Regina,  Henry's adoptive mother."
"Henry mentioned you once," I said remembering now that one moment. Apparently I did listen a little when I was trying to get out of the chains that were holding me to that tree.
             She smiled then walked off to apparently put out the fire between Mom and Neal. There was a noise from below deck and everyone got quite. Mom and Regina ran down the stairs. I started getting up but George and dad stoped me.
             "Oh no, no, no, no, your not going anywhere," dad said.
            "You need to rest," George said.
             I rolled my eyes, "I'm fine. Really."
             "There is no chance I'll let you go anywhere out of my sight for a good week," George said.
               I laughed. But then I stopped, thinking about something.
"What is it?" George asked, "you were laughing and then you stopped."
"I was thinking," I said.
"A lot of things," I replied simply.
"Care to share?" He asked.
I smiled mischievously, "no, not yet."
"Oh come on, please Karly!" He begged.
I shook my head. I wasn't because I didn't want to tell him. I really did. It was what I was thinking that stopped me from saying.
The time in the garden would have been the last time we were together if they had been too late. My first kiss would have been my last (I'm not counting the one from Pan because I did not kiss him back).
I am only 14, and I've already almost died multiple times, seeing as I'm always conveniently with Harry, Ron and Hermione when they are doing something dangerous.
But those times were different. Those times I chose to go into the danger. I chose to be apart of it. With this I wanted to leave as soon as I got here. I wanted nothing to do with Pan or Neverland. I wanted to go home.
I realized how much I loved. I loved a lot of things. Mostly I love a lot of people. I love the Weasley's, particularly one Weasley, they are basically my family. And Harry and Hermione, two of my best friends. My parents even though I just met them. My brother, who was so sweet. And George.
George, who loved me and made me laugh. George, who would pester me till I told him what's wrong. George, who always knew exactly what to do to make me feel amazing.
To live is to love, I thought. My life isn't complete without love. I would have no life if it wasn't for love. My mind flashed back to what Pan said to me before he took me to skull rock.
"Karly, I love you. I've loved you for a long time. I know you used to love me,"
              Love can also kill. Even if Pan loved me, he still was willing to kill me.
               I looked at George. Love makes us do crazy things, I thought. Crazy and amazing things.

(A/N hi! This story is almost done, but don't worry. I am already coming up with a story line for the next book. But before I post the next book I'll update my other stories. Please comment and vote! Thank you all!!)

(A.A.N: so first, A.A.N stands for another authors note. Just for clarification. Second I think some people might be confused on why I'm changing the 13s to 14s when she's talking about her age. I figured this out after I finished writing this book: Karly would have already had her birthday and would therefore be 14 at that time. So that's why)

Updated 1/28/17

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