Author's Note

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Before we begin this wild ride, I need to say a few things

First of all, this story was started a WHILE ago, and is in desperate need of some heavy editing, and that will take place once the book is completed :)

SECONDLY, if you have any questions or comments along the way, I do my best to reply to everything you all send so don't be afraid to share what you think! It helps me grow as a writer!

There are also songs I've attached to each chapter that enhance the reading experience and tie together with the contents of the chapters. Obviously, listening to them is totally up to you, but they do correspond with the story.

And the very last thing I want to mention, is that I love you. Like, I love you a lot. You matter to me and you belong in this world. If you EVER feel like you're in need of serious help, suicide hotline numbers from around the world are in my bio. You. Are. Loved.

And with all that fun stuff out of the way, let's begin with the story !!

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