Chapter twenty seven: Waiting with patience for the spring

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Play Lucky Ones by Lights for this chapter


Once Jett and I arrived back home, the rest of spring break flew by in a flash. It's now time for school to be back in session, and thankfully, I'm not as worried about it as I thought I'd be. Granted, the week of my birthday always seems easier to stomach than most. It's the one time of I can actually be selfish, and eat an entire cake alone.

My birthday's not the only thing coming up soon, in less than a month, we're graduating. Finally escaping the hellhole that held me captive for the past four years is a dream come true. And getting to do it with Jett makes it all that much better. I guess life doesn't truly suck after all.

Walking into the building, I'm greeted by Jett who looks way too excited to see me.

"Happy birthday Junie!" He quickly exclaims as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Thanks! I was thinking maybe we could go out tonight, ya know, as a little birthday dinner. You up for it?"

He looks at me once more before sheepishly scratching the back of his neck, "Well, I made plans with a few teammates and cheerleaders, but I can take you for a short drive after school and we can jam out in the car!"

A twinge of disappointment and jealousy shoots through me before I force myself to swallow it down and smile.
"Uh, yeah, that's totally fine! And only if you let me pick the songs." I tell him playfully.

"Thanks, Junie, I really appreciate it."

"Don't worry about it. Oh, have you heard anything from Anthony's parents since the visit?" I ask, changing the subject before more jealousy creeps in.

"Not much, but I got a text from them saying how proud of me they are and how I should visit more often. I'm happy, June, like, genuinely."

"I'm glad. You deserve that much, and even more. And ya know, I'm proud of you too. It took guts to face your past like that."

He looks at me with a tender, soft smile as he responds, "I don't know, you gave me the courage to do it. I know for a fact I couldn't have done it without you."

"Give yourself more credit. I mean, I'm glad I could offer you support, but when push comes to shove you were the one who did it all, you deserve to feel proud of yourself, it's not bad. You've told that to me before."

"Touché, you win this one. I'll work on giving myself more credit, only if you do though. Deal?"

"Okay okay, deal." I hold out my hand for him to shake, and when he does, it's firm and strong, and it's in this moment where I know he means what he said. He'll keep his promise, and I'll keep mine.


The class goes by fairly quick, and I drive home, meeting Jett at my house for our drive. Well, more like wait for Jett. I stand there for about five minutes, then ten, then fifteen, then fifteen becomes twenty. I pull out my phone to call him and give him a piece of my mind for making me wait without any explanation, but before I can, his car pulls up into the driveway and I hop in.

"What the hell was that for? At least tell me you're gonna be twenty minutes late so I'm not sitting in the hot sun forever."

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