"Memory" きおく

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My classmates are afraid of Kagami-kun. I heard some rumors about him but he just looks like a lazy troublemaker, he is always sleeping.

For some reason Kagami-kun looks very familiar.

I decided to eat my bento at the rooftop, people normally won't go there since it's forbidden but I didn't care since no-one can actually see me.

I sat on the floor and start eating my bento, enjoying myself. I felt someone looking at me. I found Kagami-kun eating a huge sandwich.

"Oh, you scared me. What are you doing here?" he pretend to be scared.

So he actually can see me after all?
It's the first time someone can actually see me.

"Eating" I simply answered.

"Don't you know it's forbidden coming here?" He asked while chewing his food.

"Then, go" I took a bite of my food

"I was here first." he jumped from the top part and land right infront of me

"I know you can see me" to be honest it bothered me. He glanced at me but kept eating.

How can it be possible?

"How?" I asked

"You don't smell" He gave me a weird answer.

"I always take a shower" I said confused

"I mean you don't have a scent. Everyone has one but you, you don't smell at all, like a ghost. Plus your presence it's pretty unnoticeable" he shrugged

"So you go around smelling people, pervert" I said

"I'm not a pervert" he grabbed my shirt harshly

His eyes were cold but he was embarrassed. Deep inside a wild beast was sleeping.

We heard someone coming, before I could do something, I was dragged by him. We hide behind the small building. He covered my mouth and hold me against him. It was just a teacher smoking. Not long after the teacher got back inside.

"Agh, finally" he sighed. I poked his hand. I was getting breathless.

"Oh yeah, sorry" he took of his hands from me.

"You know I'm invisible. So why did you do that?" I asked

"Oh, I forgot. Don't come here again, ok" He scratched his neck annoyed

" I won't" I took my lunch box and then our eyes met again

He was too closed and that moment I remembered something scary. I needed to take a pill. I drank some water and the medicine. Ever since I left the hospital I take those medicines when I feel anxious or I remember something, if not I have a panick attack.

When I got back to class I saw three guys chatting around my seat. I pass through them and start reading a book. Someone poked my shoulder I look up at them.

"Hi there. Sorry we just noticed you. You are Kuroko-kun, right? My name is Kawahara Koichi" a shaved short hair guy said

"Hi I'm Fukuda Hiroshi" a spiky hair guy greeted me.

"And I'm Furihata Kouki" the guy had a brown light hair.

"Kuroko Tetsuya" I said

Kokoro No Connect [Kagakuro] AUWhere stories live. Discover now