"Why?" どうして

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"Good morning honey, did you sleep well?" Mum asked while we were having breakfast

"Yeah, hey mum can you teach me how to do a bento before going to school?" I asked her

"Sure honey" she smiled

I walked to station with my bag and two bentos.

I don't really get Kagami-kum but I think I need to thank him after all he is always there when I need help.

But is this okay? Isn't it too girlish?

Somehow I regret doing it.

I arrived early at school, Furihata-kun was there half asleep

"Good morning" I greeted him

"Good morning Kuroko" he yawned and went back to sleep

I opened my book and read it until I heard Kagami-kun sitting infront of me.

"Oe" he greeted

"Hi" I greeted back

I could feel some stares from my classmates but I ignored them.

" Don't buy food" I whispered

"Why?" he asked confused

"Let's meet at the rooftop" I said

"So why did you want to meet here?" He asked

"Here" I gave him the bento

"What's this?" He looked surprised

"A bento" I sit next to him and opened mine

"Yeah but why are giving me this?" he asked confused

"I wanted to thank you, now eat" I start eating it.

"Did you do it yourself?" he asked

"My mum teach me. It's edible don't worry is not that good. I just don't want to owe you anything" I shrugged

"I see " he start eating

"Say are the rumors about you true?" I was curious

"What do you think?" he asked back

"I don't think you are a bad person so I think if you did it you had your reasons" I shrugged

"People misunderstand me because I'm too direct and look scary so I always end up in troubles" He sighed

"People are the most scary being" I said

" Yeah" he agreeed

"Say Kagami-kun what do you think friendship is?" I don't why but suddenly that came to my mind

"Don't know I suck at it" he snorted

"I thought it was someone who could see my pain even if I was pretending to be ok" I stared at the blue sky for a few seconds

" Don't love a friend who hurst you don't hurt a fried who loves you. Sacrifice everything for them but don't sacrifice a friend for anything. That's what I heard but people just look for their own interest, don't you think?" Kagami layed down

"Will you be my friend?" I asked

"I told you, I suck at it" he laughed

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