"Leave me Alone!" おれのことは、ほっといてくれ!

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-Kagami's Pov-

After I got back from seeing Midorima, I look into Kise Ryota's information. He seemed to be pretty popular not only as one of the favorite players for this interhigh but also as a model.

I really wanted to meet him and know the real reason behind Kuroko's past but in the end I never went there.

I don't think he'll be happy if he knew I'm digging in his past.

Before I knew two weeks pass and I was still wondering about Kuroko's past. I was scared to ask him.

What if it was something really scary?

What if it gives him a panick attack?

I had double shift this week. I asked the boss since I wanted to work more. Lately Kuroko and I spent less time together. I did something behind his back and I regret it. I wonder why did I do that. I never cared about anyone before or other people's business.

It was a Friday night and I was unloading the 3rd truck. We had to unload 15 at it was only 10 pm I guess I'll spent this weekend sleeping.

"Hey Kagami, how are you feeling? Are you ok? You know my dad likes hard workers but don't push yourself too hard. If you need a break tell me" Kasamatsu-san the boss's son told me.

Kasamatsu-san is also a highschooler he plays in a basketball team. From what I heard his team is pretty good. He has a bad temper but he is very nice and caring.

"Thanks senpai. You know, we should play basketball sometime" I said

" Yeah sure, I'll give you a call when I'm available. Being a captain of a problematic team and working here is exhausting" he complained while organizing some packages.

"Oh really?" I stared at him. Is unusual to hear him complain about something

" Yeah there is a first year that it's getting on my nerves. That guy does whatever he wants, he is always bragging about his amazing skills. I mean he is really good you know. He was born with it but for a guy like me that never slacked or been absent for a training, it bothers me. Plus he never listens to me but then he is too clingy like a kid " he sighed annoyed

"It must be tough" I took a sip of water.

" Yeah but the thing is that I don't hate him, after all he is the Ace of our team" he shrugged

"I think you like him after all" I said

"tch. I don't like him he is annoying, troublesome and lazy but he is a good kid. He is just too complicated for me" he yawned tiredly.

"I have a complicated friend too" I smiled

"oh, I never thought you had friends" he looked surprised

"Senpai I could say the same thing about you " I sighed

"Yeah but well is nice to see you smiling for a chance. Life must be more interesting now, right?  Let's stop talking, hey guys come here or we won't end this today" he clapped his hands in order to get us ready to work hard.

I woke up on my room's floor. I think I got home around 3 am. I don't remember how did I get home, I was too tired. I look at my phone, it was 12 am shit I sleep too much. I took a quick shower and went to the kitchen to find something to eat. My fridge was empty but I found a ramen can.

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