"I want to protect you!" 守りたい。!

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-Kuroko's Pov-

Ever since Kagami went back to US I haven't heard anything from him. He called me when he arrived but after that, he didn't contact me at all.

A month passed by and he wasn't coming back.

I wanted to do something for him. I thought about writing him a letter but I didn't know his adress.

I was working on the book store, reorganizing the shelves when I saw a basketball manual.

"Kuroko-kun are you okay with this now?" The owner smiled sadly.

I almost drop it for a second

"KUROKO" I remember him screaming my name over and over again.

I felt some cold beads of sweat around my forehead. I couldn't forget his painful expression or his dying voice.

"H-How is he?" I shuttered, my voice broke down.

"He is better now. I think he'll be able to get back to school soon. You can always visit him. He always asks about you" she patted my head gently

"I'm so sorry" I mumbled. My heart hurts so much.

"He doesn't blame you. So stop punishing yourself. You need to move on. We all did. Is the best for everyone" she smiled sadly

I never regret anything more than quitting basketball. But I forgot there was something even harder than that. I wasn't a good friend, I couldn't protect him. I regret not being strong enough to stop them.

I hang out with Furihata and his gang or I visit Kiyoshi senpai since Kagami didn't show signs of life.

I didn't have to work and Furihata and the others had basketball practice so I decided to visit Kiyoshi senpai after school.

I bought some cookies and tea from the vending machine.

"Oh Kuroko, good to see you! Let's go outside, it's boring staying here all day" Kiyoshi senpai smiled

"Is it okey?" I asked

"Of course it is! I can walk that much, let's eat all that outside. The tea tastes better outdoors" he laughed happily.

"So what brings you here? Recently you are comming here almost every day" He wondered

"Kagami is still in the US and he hasn't contact me at all. I guess something is keeping him there. I want to do something for him since he always helps me out" I took a sip of my tea.

"What does he like?" Senpai asked

"Food?" I muttered not sure what he really like.

"There must be something else" he giggled.

"Basketball" I mumbled. I remember he always plays on the street.

"Oh really? Then why don't you try to get him in the team?" He said excited

" He said he didn't want to. He hates the team" I sighed

"Basketball is a sport team, if he really loves it, he'll do it. Why don't you give it a try? I'm sure he'll be happy. He should do it or he'll regret it forever. I played until I couldn't and now I can't go back to my team cause if I go now I won't be able to play it in the future. They know I'll be back, they are waiting for me. A team is like a family, we protect each other. Don't you want to protect him too?" He wondered

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