"I'm much more me when I'm with you" 私はあなたと一緒にいる時、も!

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Hi there! It's been a while since I last updated. So here I bring you a new chapter. Unfortunately this story is coming to an end :(
Please enjoy it and sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes you may found.


<< Sometimes you have to stop being scared and just do it. Either it will work or it won't>>those were the last words from my father before he died.

At times like this when I'm so scared that I want to stay at home forever, I remember those words. Although they may sound hard and cold, it makes me feel less scared cause even if my dad was a cold man I knew deep inside that he loved me, even if he didn't show it.

It's been a while since I dreamed about him, it's more like a memory from the past. The first time I saw the fireworks, I was so scared that I shut my eyes tightly that noise was too loud for me. I cried, I wanted to leave but my dad calmly said.

"It's ok to be scared, being scared means you're about to do something really brave, so why don't you open your eyes and see for yourself the beautiful sky?" my dad hold me in his arms, he wasn't very fit but to me he looked like the strongest man on earth.

I opened my eyes scared, I hold his shirt so tight that some of his buttons were removed from the shirt. My mum caressed my hair lightly.

I open my eyes slowly and then like a magical spell, that horrible noise was substituted by a mesmerizing sight.

That scary and terrific feeling turned into a different one, a mixture of curiosity and excitement. That's the feeling I had after meeting Kagami-kun.

I opened my eyes slowly to see that I had Kagami-kun's shirt infront of me. He was holding me tightly, afraid that I might fall. I look at the watch, it was only 8 a.m.
I didn't move because I didn't want to wake him up but also cause I was admiring his cute expression.

Just like those scary fireworks, Kagami was unexpected and wild but after getting to know him, I realized he is the purest guy I've ever met. All the frightening moments, the panic attacks, facing the past....I was able to do that thanks to him.

I thought I couldn't move on but I also thought it was impossible to love someone again...I was wrong.

Sometimes someone comes into your life, so unexpectedly, taking your heart by surprise and changing your life forever.

Kagami-kun could you possibly like someone like me?

Can I give you my heart?

I was thinking deeply about my feelings for him when he slowly opened his eyes. I followed his gaze, he was looking at me intensely. My heartbeat  accelerated, I was afraid he could hear it but suddenly he fell from the bed.

I quickly sit and stared at him, he was blushing madly, his reaction was kind of cute. I wanted to laugh but I was afraid he would think I was weird.

"Kagami-kun what's wrong?" I rubbed my eyes.

"N-Nothing, sorry I tend to cuddle" he said the last thing almost whispering.

"I don't mind. If it's you, it's ok" I turned around embarrassed.

"I-I'll go to the bathroom" he run before I could say something.

I buried my face in the pillow

Kokoro No Connect [Kagakuro] AUWhere stories live. Discover now