"You're not alone" あなたは一人じゃないよ

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I thought I was finally over with it but after meeting Kagami-kun I keep remembering my painful past and those hurtful words. I need to stay away from him.

I couldn't sleep after what happend yesterday. I was so scared to sleep what if I had another panick attack? Just with the thought of it, I felt stifled.

I put my uniform on and walked downstairs. I looked for my pills but the bottle was empty.

"Tetsuya" I heard my mum's voice behind me

"Good morning mum" I bowed

"Today let's go to see Doctor Fujita" she smiled sadly

I nodded
I made her worried again.

I had an accident last year, well I was able to live normally again thanks to doctor Fujita.  After that I wasn't able to play basketball ever again . It's so painful to come to hate something that you used to love so much but they were the ones who made me like this.

Because of what they did
I can't live in peace.

Mum went to take a walk around the hospital while I was on the doctor's office.

"Hello Kuroko-kun. It's been a while, how have you been?" he smiled

He was a nice man, he transmits  serenity

"I've run out of pills. Could you give me another recipe?" I sighed

Even though I said that, I don't like staying here because everytime I come,  he tries to make me talk about the past. I don't want to remember the past.

" That's strange, you never took that many it should have lasted a few more months. Did something happend?" He stared at me for a few seconds

"Doctor I just want my pills I don't want to talk" I stood up

"Kuroko I won't give you more, now please sit down" he sighed

"What are you saying?" I asked

"Tell me what happend and I'll explain why you don't need them anymore" he smiled

I sighed and glared at him, he wouldn't say anything unless I told him.

"I just started school and well I got close to some classmates" I started

"That's amazing, that's what you need Kuroko. You don't need those pills anymore. You need to accept that life is full of good and bad moments. I'm not saying you can erase your past. Just don't let it get you" he said

"There's someone in my class that looks like that bastard..." I clenched my fits

"Really like..." he was about to say his name but I slam the table harshly

"Don't say it, onegai" I was holding my tears back. I felt disgusted, I couldn't breath properly

"It's ok Kuroko relax please. Calm down. Please keep breathing" He fan me with a carpet to help me breath again.

"Ever since I met him, I keep having this panick attacks also the fact that he is somehow related to baketball makes me so sick" I cried

"Kuroko, He is not him" now he stared at me seriously

"I know that but his personality looks so much like him. But then again he is nothing like him. He helped me out a couple of times" I tried to calm down

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