"I want to be with you forever!" ずっと一緒にいたいよ!

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I couldn't sleep well that night, just the thought of me being in love with him and not being able to help him get over his past, stresses me out.

Kuroko seems to feel better now, he would eat and talk more.

Just what I'm going to do with him?

It's not like I want to keep loving you but what else can I do when I can't get away from you?

"Kagami-kun, let's go to Magi after the training" Kuroko suggested.

"Sure" I nodded.

We walked to our favorite place. I order 59 hamburges but somehow I didn't feel hungry at all.

"Kagami-kun did something happend? You look like you've been spacing out lately" he stared at me intensely

"Oh is nothing is just that my mum has been bothering me with stuff. I'm ok, really" I shrugged.

As if I could tell him I've been like this because of him.

"I hope you can fix it soon. I've been wondering why did you give me so many hamburgers?" He asked

Without noticing I gave him 10 burgers.

"Oh lately you look more skinny so I wanted to feed you" I laughed awkwardly

"Well thanks but with 1 it will be enough plus I prefer the food you make" he stated.

I turned around, it made me so happy that I could feel my heart aching.

Bakagami focus! You need to act like normal. Don't get too excited, he didn't mean it that way.

After we finished we were on our way home when we spotted our senpais. Hyuuga and Kiyoshi senpai they were on the park, they looked like they were talking. We were about to greet them when suddenly Kiyoshi senpai pulled Hyuuga senpai into a kiss.

"OH MY GOD" I yelled.

Kuroko was embarrassed so he looked somewhere else.

"K-K-Kagami... K-Kuroko... this is not what it looks like" Hyuuga senpai blushed madly.

"Oh hey guys sorry I was in the mood and I didn't see you two coming. Come on Junpei, is ok they saw us what else can we do" Kiyoshi senpai laughed.

"You big idiot I told you a thousand times that we can't do this outside! You were lucky they were our juniors!" he started kicking Kiyoshi senpai angrily.

"Ok ok sorry, hey Kuroko take Hyuuga with you, why don't you guys bring us some coffee? It's getting cold plus he needs to calm down a bit" Kiyoshi senpai said.

Kuroko took the grumpy Hyuuga senpai away and they dissapeared.

"Sorry you guys were surprised" he chuckled

"Eh sort of...is the first time I've seen it" I laughed awkwardly

"Oh really? Actually we don't do this outside but he looked so cute that I wanted to tease him" he grinned

"Senpai for how long have you been together?" I asked

"I think after we created the basketball team, after the match when I knew I wouldn't be able to play basketball for a while. So 3 years I guess" He shrugged

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