"Basketball" バスケットボール

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Sorry everyone I've been busy with classes and exams also I wanted to finish my other stories. From now on I'll keep working on this story. I hope u are liking the story so far. So now let's enjoy it ^^


I've been sick at home since that day. I was just hiding. It's almost time to choose a club and I didn't want to go to class since the basketball team will be there.

I've never hated basketball before but last year everything changed. It made me realized that you can't trust anyone and dreams are just dreams.

I didn't want to worry mum so I woke up and got ready to school, I try to get on time and I almost didn't make it.

"Ok guys go to your place, I'll give some minutes to the basketball coach and the captain to speak " Our teacher explained.

I went to my seat followed by Kagami-kun.

"Hello freshmen, I'm Riko Aida, second year, your senpai and basketball team's coach. I'm here just to say that our team is looking for new members anyone who is interested  just need to go to the gym next Friday after class. Now I'll let our captain speak" Riko-senpai was a cheerful girl but for some reason she didn't look that easygoing maybe I was overthinking it

"Hyuuga Junpei, second year, basketball team's captain. I'm not trying to force anyone to get in but I want you to know that even if our team is pretty new compared to other schools we have the ability and the spirit to go to the interhigh and become the winners. Dreams can come true, if we just practice with all our hearts and give our best, we'll go far. And to finish we want to see after class the student Kagami Taiga" senpai look scary, he had a cold stare but not as scary as Kagami's or that guy's eyes.

I drank some water, my throat felt dry after hearing them. I was trying to control myself, I was getting better, it wasn't scary as before. Now I could handle hearing the word 'basketball' without collapsing.

At lunch time I was about to eat my bento when I saw my classmates getting their lunches and coming my way.

What did they want?

"Kuroko-kun, how are you? You were sick last week. Here I took notes from the lessons that you missed. I hope they're useful, normally I don't pay attention in class but you look the type to care about this things so I just wanted to help you out" Furihata-kun handed me his notebook.

"Why did you do this?" I asked without realizing

"Well we are clasmates, I think it's the right thing to do" Fukuda-kun smiled

"Say Kuroko why don't we eat together?" Kawahara-kun asked

"Why do you want to eat with me?" I was confused why did they want to get close to me?

"Well you look like a nice guy even though you don't talk much" Furihata-kun smiled

I don't know why but I felt more relaxed

"If you don't mind then..." I quickly took a bite of my bento. I shouldn't get my hopes up. I can't trust anybody after all.

"Kagami-kun would you please think about it?" I heard Riko-senpai's voice from outside the class.

"I told you already I won't play in your stupid team. So stop following me around!" Kagami yelled and he get in class looking very angry.

"Kagami-kun you're what we've been looking for, without you it won't be possible" Hyuuga senpai looked very troubled

"I don't care, it's your problem, not mine. Leave me alone" He got back to his place

"What are you looking at?" he yelled at our classmates.

Everyone turned away. Kagami yawned and took a nap.

"Do you guys know him for a long time?" I asked

"Well not really but there were rumors about him before he even started highschool. The rumors said that an American gangster was coming to our school. I still don't get why Riko senpai wants to scout him" Furihata-kun whispered.

When I saw him playing the last time he was a good player, he had potential.

He probably could play along with...no, stop, I shouldn't be even thinking about this.

I should stay away from him, it will only bring me bad memories.

After school I was changing my shoes when I saw Riko senpai and Hyuuga senpai waiting next to our lockers. They probably were waiting for Kagami.

They should stop waisting their time on a guy like that

"Kuroko are you going home too? Let's go together" Furihata smiled.

I nodded but I knew I shouldn't get close to anyone and for some reason I didn't feel like going home alone.

After crossing the bridge each one went to his own way . I was calmly walking home when I got a text.

Today I didn't have to go to work, maybe mum wanted me to buy something on my way.

It was from an unknown number,  spam probably but I still check it.

<<How is your highschool life? Why don't you join the basketball team? Are you scared of it now? You used to have fun, right? Just be careful and try not to fell for someone again>>

I threw the phone away from me.  I kneel down in pain, I was trembling. I needed my pills. I desperately try to look for them but I couldn't find them.

It was getting harder to breath,  I felt suffocated, my chest hurt. I couldn't feel my right arm. I was crying non-stop. I tried cover my ears. I remembered those terrifying voices.

<<Know your place. If you oppose me I will kill you even if it's you>>

<<I hate basketball it's tiring and boring>>

<<I won't be satisfied until I eliminate all the others. It has nothing to do with reason, it is instinct>>

<<You really thought I felt something for you? How can you be so stupid?>>

<<I did it because I felt like it>>

Make them stop

When I woke up someone was piggybacking me. That red hair, this height it has to be Kagami-kun.

Did he followed me again?

How did he find me?

"Oh you are awake" Kagami-Kun spoke

"Thanks but you can let me down now" I sighed tiredly

He put me down and stared at me for a few seconds.

"I found you on the ground having some kind of panick attack" He sighed

"I already told you to leave me alone I would've been ok. Thanks but you didn't need to do anything. Stay out of my business" I glared at him

"I think you are mistaken. I have no interest in you at all. You were on the way. You should be grateful I found you. You lack of common sense. I don't care, just do whatever you want" he yawned bored

"Then just let me die, I could handle it, ok. I can take care of myself. You should worry about yourself" I took my phone and my bag from him.

I walked away.  He annoys me, He makes me angry but what I hate the most is his looks.

Just like him

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