"You are Important to me!" あなたが大切です!

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-Kuroko's Pov-

I don't hate Kagami I just hate the fact that he turn out to be a stranger.
He said he didn't care about my past but then why did he tried to dig in it?

And those guys what are they trying to do?

Can't they just leave me alone?

After all that happend they keep screwing me until they are satisfied. I was in the hospital for a year... give me a rest.

I can't forget Kagami's painful expression  but then again I don't think I'll be able to trust him again.

The next day I asked Furihata-kun to exchange seats with me. I felt some stares from Kagami-kun but he didn't say anything. I went to buy my food at the cafeteria.

" Hey Kuroko come eat with us" Kawahara- kun said

I followed them and sat beside Furihata-kun

" I don't know if you wanted to eat with us but you seem to be avoiding Kagami. Did something happend?" Kawahara-kun asked.

"Nothing much. We are just too different" I said while eating

" You know Kuroko sometimes we have fights too but when we talk things out, we get back like always. I don't know Kagami that well but for what I can see he is not a bad guy. After all when you are with him you look happy, I can see it  even if your face doesn't show it" Furihata-kun said.

"You are more perceptive that I could imagine" I commented

They all laughed

"It was a compliment" I said

"Yeah well nobody normally says that to me but thanks, Kuroko" he patted my shoulder gently.

Is been a while since I had lunch with other people. I don't want to think about the past, it only brings me bad memories.

Today I didn't have to work and I didn't feel like going home so I decided to visit Kiyoshi senpai. Is been around a month since I argue with Kagami-kun.

I was on my way to his room when I saw a very angry Hyuuga senpai leaving the room.

"Hyuuga don't get mad, come here" I saw a slapped senpai watching the other one running.

"Senpai?" I said

"Oh, that scared me! Hi Kuroko come in" he smiled sadly

I gave him a cup of tea and some cookies.

"Did you have a fight with Hyuuga senpai?" I asked

"Well, he got mad at me" he smiled awkwardly

"What did you do to him?" I asked

"Well...a girl came here saying she was a fan of me and well she was being too clingy " he sighed tiredly

"Then why he got mad? Because you are popular with girls?" I didn't really see the problem

"Mmm...yeah you could say so. Is just that we are...close.. .and well sometimes he gets mad when something like that happens" he nodded

"Well I think you should talk about it, you are friends after all is not like you meant to hurt him" without realising I thought about Kagami-kun

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