"I'm Okay" だいじょうぶで。

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I couldn't sleep last night, seeing Momoi-san didn't go well.

What was she doing in my neighborhood?

After all that happen she wants to apologize now? Don't fuck with me.

Honestly, I didn't feel like going to class but I had to.

"Good morning honey... oh you look so tired. Did you have a bad dream?" mum asked after seeing me

"Yeah, hey mum I'll go to the hospital before going to class. I will visit a senpai from my school" I said

"Oh ok honey, do you want me to drop you there?" she asked

"No, is ok I can go on my own" I refused

"Ok honey" she smiled sadly

I didn't feel like talking to doctor Fujita but I wanted to see Kiyoshi senpai.

I bought him some candies, The ones he eat when we first met.

I was about to walk in when I saw him tickling another guy

"Senpai" I call him

"Eh? Oh! Kuroko. I didn't think you'll actually come" he laughed awkwardly

"I can come another time" I shrugged

"Nah is ok. He is my... classmate Hyuuga. Hyuuga this is a kohai from our school" He introduced us

Hyuga senpai, the captain of basketball team looked very scary.

"Oh Hi, I think I've never seen you before" he stared at me

"People don't usually see me. I know you, you came to my class you wanted to recruit Kagami-kun." I said

"Oh really? Are you friends with him?  Do you think you could convince him to join the schoool team?" he asked non-stoply

"Sorry senpai but I can't do it. He is the one that should choose what to do. Is his choice not ours." I bowed politly

"Yeah is ok. I know is hard. Well see you around school, it was nice to meet you Kuroko. Kiyoshi I'll call you later, don't you dare to call me during class or I'll kill you" He threaten but Kiyoshi senpai looked happy about it

"Here senpai I brought you some candies from the last time. As an apology for throwing them" I offered him

"Oh thanks Kuroko. So what brings you here?" he asked while eating some candies

"Well you see senpai, yesterday I met someone from the accident I had last year, she came to apologize but I didn't forgive her. I could only remember the pain, the bad memories" I trembled

"Did she hurt you?" he wondered

"She witness the accident and didn't do anything about it. I can't forgive any of them. Senpai do you think I'll be able to forget the past?" I stared at him

"The heart wounds take some time to heal, Kuroko. I think you need to face your past. If not, how would you be able to move on? You can't suffer everytime you see someone that hurt you" He said

"I know but it's so hard senpai" I cried

I arrived late at school, Kagami was about to leave the class when he saw me.

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