"Please don't leave me behind!" 僕を置いて行かないで!

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Hi everyone! How have you been? I'm sorry for not being able to update earlier I was busy with exams and projects. Btw happy late Christmas and new year! So here is my late Christmas present. I'm sorry if you find any grammar or spelling mistakes!

 I'm sorry if you find any grammar or spelling mistakes!

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-Kagami's Pov-

After the game we went to the semifinal for the interhigh but we couldn't win against Touo, the match was hard and Kuroko didn't look good. He didn't talk after that, he even skipped a day or two. Our team was very down, we were devastated but we needed to do something about it or we won't be able to overcome it.

Riko senpai requested a meeting in the gym.

"I know you guys are kind of down but you need to cheer up! That's why I decided to prepare a nice surprised for all of you. We are going for 3 days to a basketball camp! " she jumped excitedly

Everyone started chatting happily except for Kuroko who was looking at the ground.

I'm worried about him

"We'll go this Thursday till Sunday" She exclaimed cheerfully.

"Please don't book an old building, my knee still itches whenever I hear creaking sounds" Hyuuga senpai shivered

"It's ok, the good thing is that we will save some money since we'll make our own food. I'm gonna make the best dishes for all of you" Rino senpai stated

"No, you don't need to do that! We will work hard, you already do a lot of things for us" Koganei senpai insisted

"Are you sure? I don't mind helping you" she said

"It's ok is also our duty. We need to show this juniors the importance of the team work" Hyuuga senpai nodded.

She shrugged not very sure about it, she got a phone call and went outside for a few minutes.

"Listen to me guys, we are lucky we convinced her for now but make sure she doesn't come close to the kitchen I don't want to spent 3 days in the hospital" Hyuuga senpai whispered, he looked anxious.

"Is she that bad?" I asked. The senpais covered my mouth and look around before speaking.

"You know when you eat something burned, rotten and in a bad condition. Well her food is even worse" Koganei senpai looked sick probably because he remembered something.

"Last year some juniors quited after being in the hospital for 3 days. They could take the hard training but they said they couldn't stand her disastrous food. So in order to prevent anything like that, the first years please watch her. If you see that she has intentions just dragged her outside, do anything but don't let her in" The senpais looked troubled.

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