"You make me want to be a better man" あなたは私により良い男になろうと思わせてくれた。[THE END]

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After all that happend with Akashi we got back to our daily life. Kuroko and Shigehiro started talking again. Our team was making it to the finals of the interhigh. Akashi was taken to a mental hospital in the North of China, he was under control day and night.

Aomine got better in no time and now he is dating Momoi. Kasamatsu-san and Kise got closer, something is  going on between them like Midorima and Takao. Kiyoshi took the surgery and Hyuuga senpai is taking care of him. Riko senpai met a nice guy from another highschool. Everyone's romance is working. Even my aniki has someone he likes now he says that person is really tall and eats a lot of sweets, weird.

I didn't tell Kuroko what I felt about him. A month has passed and I didn't say a word to him.

I don't know if I should tell him or not. Agh what do I do? Maybe it's not the right time to do this.

I was on my way to the supermarket when I saw Momoi and Aomine waiting for someone

"Oh finally you are here" Aomine yawned

"I don't think we agreed to meet, did we?" I asked confused

"Kagami-kun we are going to help you with Tetsu-kun" Momoi smiled

"I don't know what are you guys talking about" I shrugged

"Yeah right, well if you don't want our help then keep being on the friendzone. Satsuki, let's go eat something tasty" Aomine hold Momoi's hand.

"Wait" I hate this, why do I even agree to this.

They took me to the hairdresser. They said I needed a new haircut to freshen up. Then they took me to get new clothes apparently going in a tracksuit all day is not really fashionable.

"Now you just have to think of a place to take him" Momoi said

"How about the theme park?" Aomine suggested

"I think he'll get sick" I sighed

"Then a restaurant?" Momoi suggested

"He eats so little" I chuckled

"Then what?" Both of them looked like they were thinking deeply

"How about a bookcafe? I heard there's a new one" I wondered

"Oh that's a great idea" Momoi clapped excited

"Yeah he may like it, what will you give him?" Aomine asked

"I'll think about it" I chuckled

"Buy him something good not stuff about basketball he is not a basketball idiot like you" Aomine laughed

"You are also a baketball idiot" I chuckled

When I got back home I cook and then took a shower, I was finishing drying my hair with the towel when I heard someone knocking

I went to open it, to my surprise it was Kuroko and his dog. I'm getting better at handling his puppy but sometimes is still hard to do it.

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