"I appreciate you" してます

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-Kagami's Pov-

I got home around 12 pm. I layed on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a while.

Somehow I was curious about Kuroko  but I'm afraid if I ask him he'll go back and be alone again. Not that I'm different  but I like being around him although he is kind of weird.

I took my phone and look through the internet where was Shutoku high school.

I think if I talk to the guy from before I'll be able to help Kuroko somehow.

Since tomorrow is Saturday and I don't have to work, I'll just drop there.

They are basketball players so they'll have a training session tomorrow.

Wow I never thought Japan's basketball was so good! They are one of the kings, apparently they are part of some kind of great highschool elites. They play in the interhigh.

I could ask him to have a match with me.

I took the train early in the morning, I don't really know why am I doing this but I hope I can help Kuroko.

I got off at the station and put my GPS on, the location was easy to find. I was infront of the school gates.

Their school was huge, it was like a university, their uniforms look even nicer than ours. I guess the quality is not that bad.

I decided to ask some of the students that were leaving the school, so I approach them

"Excuse me I'm looking for Midorima, is he here?" I asked

"Yeah he will probably be in the gym" they nodded

Well it was unusual to see so many people coming to school on a day like this. The path was so big it reminded me my old school in the USA

Their gym was so enormous dammit! They really know how to make the sports interesting. I took a step next to the door.

Suddenly an amazing shot from the center was perfectly score

"Shin-chan as always you are amazing" a smaler guy said to that Midorima guy.

"I'm perfect Takao specially with my lucky item" he fixed his glasses

"Which is?" He asked

"This ponytails of course. Can't you see them? " he sighed annoyed

That guy is so weird, how can Kuroko have friends like that?
Well he himself is weird

"Midorima Shintaro?" I got inside the gym

"Yeah, who are you?" he wondered

"Kagami Taiga, we met the other day. You know Kuroko, right?" I asked

"Oh I see you were with him yesterday. What brings you here? Is he here?" He looked around

"No, I came alone. I was wondering if we could talk outside. I want to talk about him" I sighed

He stared at me for a few seconds

"I don't know you that well, why would we talk?" He crossed his arms

"I'm his friend, I'm worried about him. I want him to be able to live without having panick attacks" I stared at him

He stared at me for a second and sighed deeply. He sounded so hurt.

"Takao I'll take a walk with him. If the captain ask tell him I'll be back" He ruffled that guy's hair

"Ok" he yawned

We went to the school's yard and he offered me a tea from the vending machine

"Kagami, do you play basketball?" He asked

"In my free time" I shrugged

"Have you ever been in a team?" he asked

"I used to but now I hate it. Why do you ask?" I shrugged

"Kuroko was in our basketball team in middle school. We were a strong team. We were known as  the Generation of Miracles. Kuroko was the famous invisible man but  last year in middle school something happend. Because of that everyone just splited. The other day when I saw Kuroko I felt so bad about what happend. I wanted to talk to him but he won't forgive me. After that incident everyone changed. I became a better person, not a good one. A good person wouldn't have done something like I did" He had a cold expression like he was deep in his thoughts

"The other day a girl also run into Kuroko, she had a pink hair" I tried to pull him out of his thoughts

"Momoi...She was the manager of our team. Kagami it will be helpful if you could convice Kuroko to talk to me just for a second I need to tell him something important" he looked serious

"Why don't you tell me?" I wondered

"There is a reason why he didn't told you. I can't really talk about it with you. I hope you can make him do it" he stared at the people passing by

What's this mystery?

Why did I came for?

What happend?

Was it that bad?

Why do they look so hurt?

"Kagami, I think there's someone who can tell you the whole story. His name is Kise Ryota, he goes to another highschool if you meet him tell him I need to talk to him too. Also maybe he can give you the answer you are looking for" He patted my shoulder

"Well you didn't really answer my questions but well thanks Midorima. We should play sometime" I smiled

"Anytime, bring it on" he chuckled

I felt like it was a waste of time coming here. I have more questions now that I'm curious about.

I want to ask Kuroko about this but I know that I'll hurt him if I do that but then won't it hurt hin if he discovered I came here to dig in his past?

Well is not like he is here or anything so is ok..

I took the train back home, It was full of people with little space.

I'm really questioning myself if this was really a good idea.

I don't know why but somehow I'm being more curious about Kuroko, I thought I wouldn't mind but not knowing what happend it kind of bothers me

If I can discovered what cause him such a pain I'll be able to help him

I've never seen him smile, Kuroko I want you to be happy too.

Kise Ryoya, I'll go after him and find out what happend. I'll save Kuroko from his past.

Is kind of ironic since I can't do the same thing for myself. I guess we both were meant to be friends, I'm glad you that you wanted to be friend

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