"It can't be helped" しょうがない

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-Kuroko's Pov-

Without realizing I was dragged by this tall family to Kagami's house.

"I'll prepare some tea. Alex stay away from him. Don't do anything weird" Kagami warned his mum.

She looked too young to be his mum.

"Kagami is a little childish sometimes but he is a good kid, right? I heard many things about you. I'm Alex Garcia. I'm happy that I finally meet you. Thanks for taking care of him" she spoke fluently in japaneese, she even bowed.

"Is ok don't worry ma'am" I said

"Doesn't he have any other friends?" She asked

"Not really" I said

"Well as long as he has someone by his side, I'm happy. My husband almost had a heart attack. I was alone handling everything but Taiga helped me a lot. He even took care of our business for a month" She smiled sadly

"Is his dad japanese?" I asked

"Yeah we met during a basketball match. We had two kids and well he is a little hot temper like Taiga. He needs to take things easier" she sighed

"Kagami-kun has siblings?" I asked surprised. He never mentioned it before.

"Yeah an older brother Tats-" she was interrupted by Kagami. He putted down the cups with extra force.

"Don't say unnecessary things. Here is your tea" he gave it to us.

Not long after that, his mum went to sleep. We were outside in the varanda.

"How's everything in US?" I asked

"Well like always, I played a bit of basketball there. But I wanted to get back soon to Japan" he sighed

"Then why didn't you call or text after you got there? You didn't even tell me if you were ok or not" I felt irritated and I didn't understand why

"Did you miss me?" He stared at me

"Why would I miss you?" I stared back

"I missed you. I didn't have time to call. I was busy dealing with my father's company. If I called you I'll would've wanted to come back as soon as possible" he ruffled my hair

"Why?" I asked

"Cause...we are friends. You are my only friend" he chuckled

"Kagami-kun I need to tell you something. Please don't get mad" I gave him the basketball team fill.

"What's this?" He stared at the paper.

"Kagami-kun it would be nice if you could join. As you know, I used to play in a team but after what happened, I hated basketball. But I realized I hated the fact that I couldn't play it any longer, so don't reject it. I don't want you to regret it like me. They look like a nice team" I looked away scared that we'll end up fighting again.

"Ok" he just said.

"Really?" I asked

"Yeah plus I see you signed too. Are you gonna play?" He asked

"I'm just gonna be the manager" I said

"Well is ok then" he smiled

"What made you change your mind?" I asked

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