Chapter Fourteen

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^I don't own any of the music!!
Keep In Mind!
Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Last Name
F/N - Fake Name
F/C - Favorite Color
F/F - Favorite Food
F/A - Favorite Animal
H/C - Hair Color
H/L - Hair Length
E/C - Eye Color
S/T - Skin Tone
A/N - Address Name
*More May Be Added Through Out!*
Eye Color Moods/Powers
Blue- Sadness/Water
Red- Anger/Fire
Green- Panick/Earth
White- Blank/Ice
Pink- Love/See Into Future
Purple- Embarrassed/Teleport
Black- Depressed/ShadowKnight (Darkness Power)
Rainbow- Enraged/Power Of Irene
Aqua- Happy/Power Of Nature



"Meet me at the cherry blossom tree at lunch and I'll explain everything...." I said while looking at him, making eye contact with his mask.

*TimeSkip To Lunch Bc I'm Lazy*

The bell rung and everyone headed to lunch. I instead went to the cherry blossom tree in which I waited for Aaron.

Ten minutes passed and he still wasn't in site, I decided I would just head to lunch.

"Maybe he forgot..." I said in my head while grabbing some food to eat.

I sat down at a table that was deserted and started to eat. While eating I began to feel myself go into deep thought. While doing this my eyes became a snow white color.

I began to think about my sister, I kept on wondering why she had to die and not me.

"I honestly wished that it was me instead of her..." I said in my head while thinking about all the good times we had together before everything happened, while thinking that one of my eyes that were snow white turned a icy blue.


I was four years old and my sister was six, we ran around the woods like we were mental. We dashed through the forest like there was no tomorrow!

"Hey sissy!" My sister called.

"Ywa?" I say while catching my breath giggling.

"Let's play hide n seek!" She said with excitement.

"Oki!" I while face a tree with my eyes close and counting to ten.

One! Two! Thee! Foer! Five! Six! Sevien! Eighet! Nine! Twn! Here I come! I said while giggling.

I look around for her, I check behind a tall spruce tree.
"Found chu!" I said while jumping on top of her.

We both giggled and played for a bit longer until we got bored.

"Hey sissy?" I said.

"Yea?" She replied.

"Wanna go expore?" I said while butchering the word explore.

"Yea!" She yelled while grabbing my hand and running through the forest.

We ran around until we found a small pond with vines and flowers everywhere. It was like a little oasis! Everything was much greener than everything else around. We walked around with amazement.

•-•-•-• <- (This means another flashback to a different point!)

I was ten and my sister was twelve. We were in her room talking and ignoring all the bad things that has started to happen.
"So lil sis wanna play truth or dare?" My sister said with a sneaky grin.

"Sure how bad could it be?" I said while moving to where I was across from her on the bed.

"Ok, truth or dare?" She said with asking for me to pick dare by the look in her eyes."

"Fine... dare!" I said giving up on her puppy eyes.

"Ok! So I dare you to g-" she said but got quite when we heard are parents yelling.

"Lil sis come here." She said while bring me into a embrace.

We lightly cried into each other's shoulders wanting this to end.


I was now fourteen and my sister was sixteen. The yelling was still happening and we have started to get abused.

My sister would protect me with her life when my dad tried to abuse me.
We heard our mom yell...

"DONT HURT MY BABIES EVER AGAIN!" She said with sadness in her voice.

"I CAN DO WHATEVER THE F___ I WANT!" He replied furious and started to walk up the stares stomping his feet.

My mother kept on trying to push him back, her being in front of him. She finally saw that he wouldn't bugs so she ran upstairs to where we were. We were in my room, my sister put me in the closest and she was in front of it protecting it with her life. She had a knife behind her back. The closet door was cracked open. I saw my mom come up the stairs protecting the closet door with my sister. They held hands trembling in fear.
"MOVE OUT OF THE WAY BOTH OF YOU WORTHLESS PEICES OF CRAP!" He said while trying to push them out of the way.

My mom and sister stayed in the same spot. My dad finally got tired of it and grabbed my mother and shot her in the stomach. I started to sob, my sister then runs straight into my father trying to stab him. He picked her up by the neck and through her across the room.

She was barely conscious, she got up wobbling back in forth, blood running down her head. She attempted to stab him again but my father shot her in the stomach just like my mother. He then went downstairs to clean the blood and evidence off of him.
I open the closet door trembling in fear. I felt like I was paralyzed inside. I went to my mom and sister crying.

"MOM?! SIS?! PLEASE DONT LEAVE M-ME!" I say while crying into there chest.

FlashBack End

Hey guys! Sorry if I made any of you cry! I decided to make this the same day as I made the last chapter but I don't think I'm gonna post it on the same day. Anywho expect some Non-depressing/sad chapters soon! Anyways thanks for reading my book and if you read this far then comment some things you would like to see in the upcoming chapters!!

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