Chapter Twenty Two

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^I don't own any of the music!!
Keep In Mind!
Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Last Name
F/N - Fake Name
BFF/N - BFF Name
F/C - Favorite Color
F/F - Favorite Food
F/D - Favorite Drink
F/A - Favorite Animal
F/AS -Favorite Anime Show
H/C - Hair Color
H/L - Hair Length
E/C - Eye Color
S/T - Skin Tone
A/N - Address Name
*More May Be Added Through Out!*
Eye Color Moods/Powers
Gray- Sleepy/TimeTravel
Blue- Sadness/Water
Red- Anger/Fire
Green- Panick/Earth
White- Blank/Ice
Pink- Love/See Into Future
Purple- Embarrassed/Teleport
Black- Depressed/ShadowKnight (Darkness Power)
Rainbow- Enraged/Power Of Irene
Aqua- Happy/Power Of Nature


I woke up to the sun rays shining upon my rosy
S/T. My eyes had a gray embrace, I got up with a sudden pain in my head causing my body to go straight back down.

"Ughh why do I have to have a migraine this early in the morning...?" I say groaning.

•Buzz Buzzzz•

"Hm? Who texted me?" I said grabbing my phone from my desk.

"It's only eight in the morning?!" I said shocked.

I usually get up around ten, so I was up two hours then expected....

I opened my phone causing my eyes to wince from the sudden brightness of the screen.

"Ugh why is this not on auto??" I say complaining about everything.

I turned down my brightness and looked at my phone.

*The Date Wont Make Much Since But Just Go With It!!*

From - Kawaii~Chan

Hi Y/N~Senpai!

Kawaii~Chan wanted to remind Y/N~Senpai that there will be a valentines party at Kawaii~Chans house tomorrow! Everyone is invited so if
Y/N~Senpai could....



P.s. Kawaii~Chan will have tons of whole made treats!! ;)

"Oh boy...." I said closing my phone.

"Well I guess I should get ready for the day..." I said getting up, wincing from the pain in my skull.

I got up and went to the shower, I washed my hair and body then came out and put on an

I then applied

After I styled my hair to look

After that I walk downstairs and grabbed some F/F out of the fridge. I poured some F/D and sat down on the couch and ate, watching F/AS.

"NOO!!!" I said yelling at the screen.

I got up and placed my dishes in the sink.

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