Chapter Twenty One

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^I don't own any of the music!!
Keep In Mind!
Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Last Name
F/N - Fake Name
BFF/N - BFF Name
F/C - Favorite Color
F/F - Favorite Food
F/D - Favorite Drink
F/A - Favorite Animal
F/AS -Favorite Anime Show
H/C - Hair Color
H/L - Hair Length
E/C - Eye Color
S/T - Skin Tone
A/N - Address Name
*More May Be Added Through Out!*
Eye Color Moods/Powers
Blue- Sadness/Water
Red- Anger/Fire
Green- Panick/Earth
White- Blank/Ice
Pink- Love/See Into Future
Purple- Embarrassed/Teleport
Black- Depressed/ShadowKnight (Darkness Power)
Rainbow- Enraged/Power Of Irene
Aqua- Happy/Power Of Nature



"I'm so sorry Y/N..." he said looking down at me.

"No really it's fi-"

Aaron placed his finger under my chin lifting my head up. He caressed my cheek rubbing the tear away.

I stared into his gray orbs, feeling a hotness in my cheeks.

We slowly leaned in closing the space in between us, we were so close now that are noses were touching one another.

Then this happened....

*Knock knock*

"Um... Pizza Delivery for Aaron Lycan?" A man behind he door said.

Sighing Aaron got up and went to the door grabbing the twenty dollars on the table.

As he opened the door he greeted the man, handed him the twenty and told him to keep the change, the guy then handed Aaron the pizza.

The door shut, tension filled the room as Aaron set the pizza down.

Ugh this is so awkward...

My eyes changed the an vibrant purple, I then sigh and get up.

"H-hey Aaron?" I said breaking the awkward tension.

"Yea?" He said with another sigh.

"I should get going...." I told him looking down at white vans.

He stood quite staring at me while I started to walk towards the door.

There was a sudden stop to my body as he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.

"A-Aaron?!" I say blushing madly.

He just gazed in my eyes ignoring me calling his name.

He then smashed his lips on mine, causing me to be shocked. I soon melted into the kiss, kissing him back.

His lips were so soft and passionate.

We soon departed for air. He lifted his hand up and grazed my cheek as I look down with vibrant purple-pink eyes and a deep crimson blush.

"I-I-I-..." I could get any words out, it was so embarrassing....

"Shall I see you tomorrow?" He did breaking the awkward silence.

I nodded my hair rapidly in reply and walked out the door.

•so for all the dirty minded people who thought oddly of this sentence.... don't worry I did too and I feel Ima regret typing it but Yolo!•


I was now back at my house sitting on the couch with the tv on. I honestly don't know why I turned it on because I was just sitting there still in shock of what happened. I grabbed out my phone and opened he notes in which I had a locked folder which had my diary in it. I unlocked it with my finger print and typed my thoughts in.

•ok sorry I never added this before her I'm most likely honing to when I edit this cringey book but just pretend you wrote all the bad, crazy, embarrassing, etc things that happened so far!!•

January 21, 2017 ; 4:31pm

So today was a odd day... first off I honestly don't know why I were in this thing but hey... I can laugh at it later... ANYWAYS!! I went to go see Aaron today and told him about every it go that's been going on! For example... why I dyed my hair and how I've been doing without my abusive father.

But after that he I guess felt bad?? So he slowly started to lean in, into a kiss but was saved by the delivery man! But sadly it wasn't saved at the end bc he kissed me....

Why would he want to kiss me I mean it's me!! I'm a nobody!! But his lips were so soft and his embrace was just so unbearable....

Crap what am I typing?! UGHH I hate myself at times....

Well I'm closing this off before this gets even more weird and awkward!


-Y/N L/N

I turned off my phone and got up from the couch. I walked to the kitchen and went to the oven, putting in a frozen pizza.

I quickly go up stairs, changed and wiped off my makeup.

I now had my pjs on and was laying down on the couch, waiting for my pizza.

•Ok A/N!! Im currently waiting outside at my bus stop and I've been here since 7:50am and it's 8:19pm.... WHAT THE HECK DID I MISS IT OR SOMETHING?! It's freaking 32 degrees fahrenheit and all I'm wearing is a hoodie, fuzzy black boots and an flower crown along with jeans ofc! UGHH IM GONNA DIE OF FROST BITE!!•


I got up and turned off the oven and took out the pizza, I cut it into triangles and let it cool down while I grabbed me some F/D, a couple slices of pizza and sat down.

I decided I wold watch F/AS. I was currently on season _ Ep _. I was really into this show, my friend BFF/N requested it for me and I'm glad I started to watch it!

After eating I went to bed thinking of everything that happened...


Ok! So author-chan has been waiting outside in below freezing weather for one hour! The bus never came and I'm currently back at home getting warmed up! Supposedly my bus had problems and there is still one bus out but I'm not waiting for them!! I've waited long enough so author~senpai is skipping school!!! Heheue...
Ima regret this....

Love you all!!!


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