Chapter Sixteen

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^I don't own any of the music!!
Keep In Mind!
Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Last Name
F/N - Fake Name
F/C - Favorite Color
F/F - Favorite Food
F/A - Favorite Animal
H/C - Hair Color
H/L - Hair Length
E/C - Eye Color
S/T - Skin Tone
A/N - Address Name
*More May Be Added Through Out!*
Eye Color Moods/Powers
Blue- Sadness/Water
Red- Anger/Fire
Green- Panick/Earth
White- Blank/Ice
Pink- Love/See Into Future
Purple- Embarrassed/Teleport
Black- Depressed/ShadowKnight (Darkness Power)
Rainbow- Enraged/Power Of Irene
Aqua- Happy/Power Of Nature


I got home from school and decided I would go be lazy and watch Netflix all night since I did t have school tomorrow.
While watching Netflix I got a text message, I look on my phone to see who texted me.

New Message From Aphmau

Y- You A- Aphmau

A- Hey Y/N!

Y- Hiya!~

A- I was gonna text you and tell ya that the sleep over is tomorrow at 2pm at my place!

Y- Ok cool! Can't wait!

A- Same Here!

Y- I have one question though!

A- Yea?

Y- Do you by any chance have Aaron's phone number?

A- Yea, why do you ask ? If you don't mind me asking!

Y - I was gonna tell him something today but I never got the chance!

A - Oh! Well his number is (make something up)

Y - ok thank you some much and I can't wait until tomorrow!!

A - Same here! Ttyl

End Of Text

"Well I guess I should go ahead and pack everything!" I say to myself while walking up the stairs to my room.

I grab some sleep clothes, clothes for the next day, makeup, hair brush and any other needs that I might need.

After I pack I go back down stairs and text Aaron.

Y - You A - Aaron

Y - Hiya is this Aaron by any chance?

A - Yes, who are you?

Y - Oh it's Y/N! I was wondering why you didn't come to the tree at lunch and also I got your number from Aphmau.

A - Oh sorry about that, my teacher made me stay back in class for a while...

Y- Oh...

A - Yeah... well do you want to talk about it now?

Y - Tbh I rather do it when we are in person...

A - May I ask why?

Y - ...

Y - I... just... ugh idk I just feel like it's better in person. Is that weird?

A - Not at all! What are you doing tomorrow?

Y - I got a sleepover to go to at 2pm.

A - Well we don't have school all next week so how about Sunday at my house?

Y- Sounds like a plan!

A - K see you then!

End Of Text

I relax on the couch and watch some anime and soon after bengie watching two animes I fall asleep on the couch.

TimeSkip To The Next Morning

I wake up rubbing my eyes and yawning. I get up to see that I passed it on the couch. I lazily walk to the kitchen to get some breakfast, sliding my feet.
I decide to fix French Toast with Nutella.
(If you don't like Nutella or French Toast then pick your fav breakfast food!)
After eating I get up and walk to my shower. I turn on the water and walk in.

"AHHH THAT C-COLD!" I yell while turning the nob.

"AHHH NOW ITS TOO HOTTT!!!" I yell while moving the nob to the middle.

"Ok that's better!" I say while taking a shower

After getting out of the shower I dry off and put on a green long sleeve shirt that has a tank top design on the top, white ripped jeans, and white shoes with a black stripe.
I fix my hair and put on a white Adidas cap.

I put on some black eyeshadow and put on my fake dorky glasses.
I grab my bag of clothes and make my way downstairs.

I notice I still have a bit so I turn on Netflix and watch some Attack On Titan.
After I few episodes it was time to go so I grab my phone and head out.

I walked to Aphmaus house with my backpack that had my clothes in it, on my back.
I didn't have a car yet / I couldn't afford it so I walked everywhere I went.
When reaching Aphmaus house I take a deep breath and knock on the door.

The door opened to reveal Aphmau, she smiled happily and greeted me in the house.

I hope this night goes well!

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