Chapter 16: Restart

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Jack felt a bit dizzy when he opened his eyes. It was like waking up from a nightmare that left him dazed and confused. The first thing he felt after waking up was a woman, hugging him tight. Jack felt warmth but when he looked at who hugged him, he couldn't remember her.

"Jack, I'm so glad you're okay." said by the woman with blonde hair to him.

"I'm sorry but who are you again?" he asked, sounding nicely.

Elsa looked shocked and slowly backed away.

Immediately, Tooth hugged him until he was wrapped by the whole gang, including Bunny.

"I'm so glad to see you guys again. What happened anyway?" he asked wanting to know if he missed a lot.

"Well, for now, you're okay. Thanks to Elsa, Anna, Olaf and Kristoff here." Santa said.

"Ehem." Kristoff said.

"And Sven." Santa said.

"Thank you. I'm sorry if I can't remember you guys though."

"It's fine. We're glad we could help." Anna said

Jack stood up and finally wanted to keep the game going after that incident with Pitch. "What now?" Jack asked.

"We keep out Pitch once and for all." Bunny said.

"And Elsa will also try to help." Tooth said.

"What?" Jack and Elsa said simultaneously.

"I have a kingdom to run." Elsa said at once.

"And she might get hurt. I don't want anyone else to be harmed by Pitch" Jack replied.

"Kristoff and I can take care of the kingdom." Anna volunteered.

"But—" Elsa said.

"Elsa, they need you. Besides, you still have so many things to tell Jack that he needs to remember. We'll be fine. It's only for a while." Anna added.

"How many days I've been out again?" Jack asked.

"Well you've just been out for hours but you've acted strange for almost 3 days, I think." Elsa replied.

"See, you can help Jack remind him of what he missed. Besides, I think you two need time together to help you with your magic Elsa." Anna added.

"Magic?" Jack asked.

"Well, Elsa here as ice powers that is somehow similar to you too Jack." Tooth said.

Jack looked at Elsa, wondering all over again.

"So that's why..." Jack murmured.

"That's why what?" Bunny asked.

"Nothing." Jack flushed. "That's why she was so warm." Jack thought.

Jack approached Elsa and stared at her.

"I'm sorry I can't remember you but would it be okay to get to know you once more?" Jack said as he offered his hand.

Elsa felt the confusion of excitement, sadness and happiness at the same time.

"It would be an honor." Elsa replied as he shook Jack's hand.

Soon, Elsa said goodbye to her sister once again to take on a big adventure.

"It's going to be a while." Elsa said to Anna.

"I know. I'll miss you again." Anna replied as she hugged Elsa.

Elsa made her way into the sleigh along with the other guardians. She waved her last goodbye and took off. As they went higher, Elsa felt bad for leaving her sister but she also felt that she needed to do the right thing and help the guardians save the world.

"Where do we go now?" Bunny asked.

"Well, one of my fairies told me that they already moved out of England." Tooth said.

"Probably, now that we know where has hidden his weapons." Santa said.

"Well that also means he's done in creating his weapons of destruction and is ready to strike anytime." Bunny added.

"My other fairy also said that Pitch was spotted in underground New York." Tooth added.

"Whoa, you have a lot of fairies to report to you." Elsa said in awe.

"Thanks. After all, millions of children and only a night. I need all the help I can get." Tooth winked.

"So onwards to New York?" Sandy asked.

"Onwards to New York!" Santa confirmed with a shout and then he threw his snow globe portal to transport to the city that never sleeps.

As they reached New York, it was glowing bright with the towering buildings and skyscrapers. Elsa can't believe what her eyes were seeing. It was a different world for her after being locked away so long.

"So where in New York should we exactly find Pitch?" Bunny asked.

"That I am not sure. We need to find him pronto." Tooth asked.

Santa landed somewhere in the middle of Central Park where few people went.

"We should split up. To find him quicker, Tooth and Sandy you take up the Uptown,

Bunny check the East, Jack and Elsa go to Downtown while Cupid and I will take up the West. We make our way from there until we reach the Midtown. If trouble comes, just send us a signal, we'll know where to find ya. Though I have no doubt that Pitch is looking for us too. Just find him and we'll take him down. Got it? Let's go." Santa said as the group divided on to their tasks.

As the rest of the Guardians left, Jack and Elsa were finally alone.

"We should get started." Jack said.

"Right." Elsa said as she followed.

"Can you fly too?" Jack asked.

"Unfortunately, I can't." Elsa said sadly.

"Well, take my hand. Fly with me." Jack said.

And without hesitation, Elsa grabbed Jack's hand and flew with him for the second time.

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