Chapter 5: Falling In

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Flying up above the heavens was not bad, so the moment they were back at the "Ice Palace", Jack felt a little sad that their adventure was over. The time he spent with Elsa was unlike any other.

"It was fun. She was mesmerizing. Ahhh. What?! What did you say Jack? Are you out of your mind? Snap out of it. You're a Guardian, you can't fall in love. Well, not exactly, but you know what I mean Jack, she could be a distraction, a hallucination or maybe, just maybe she could be the one…" Jack thought as he stared at Elsa. She is mesmerizing.

"What are you staring at Jack? Helloooo?" Elsa asked him as she waved her hand in front of his face.

"Nothing just daydreaming." Jack smiled.

"Oh. Haha." was all the words Elsa managed to say.

They sat there in the palace when Elsa suddenly interrupted.

"Listen Jack, I want to thank you for today. Really. I was on the verge of going crazy and depressed at the same time. Thank you for saving me." Elsa thanked Jack as she held Jack's hand.

"I'm glad to be of service." Jack replied back as he put his other hand on top Elsa's.

Elsa looked back at their adventure a while ago. "I'm glad I came with him. I've never felt so free. I never thought I could even fly in my lifetime. I've only dreamt of it and he made it come true…" Elsa thought as she dazed off in her thoughts.

"Hey why don't we continue the fun? I remember you telling me about controlling your powers and as a good friend of yours I can help, perhaps." Jack offered Elsa.

"You'd do that for me?" Elsa asked Jack touched by his words.

"Of course, who else would be a better mentor than old but still cool both literally and sarcastically speaking, Jack Frost?" Jack presented to Elsa.

"You have a point. Let's start off then." Elsa finally agreed with him

"Great! You can also teach me to create an ice palace, not that I need one." Jack said.

(On this part I suggest for you to listen on "Where We Land by Ed Sheeran" for more feels. ;))

link: watch?v=yzednhPJZUs

Jack and Elsa spent the rest of the afternoon creating all kinds of snow figures like snowmen, snow bunnies, snow angels and snow castles for Jack. They were both able to create this from the most detailed and tiny figures until to the large and huge ones. It was a winter wonderland when they were together. Jack taught Elsa to have fun and have a wide imagination in controlling her powers and in return Jack learned how to create functional things through Elsa.

By the end of the day they just lay down on the sheets of snow.

"I'm tired." Elsa exhaled.

"Same here." Jack replied as he raised his hand.

"But it's a good tiring kind of day." Elsa added.

"Yeah if only I never ran out of energy. Phew." Jack said.

Then all of a sudden they both laughed and giggled as the sun began to set down.

"Hey, I've always wanted to watch the perfect sunset." Elsa told Jack.

"It isn't perfect yet if it's not the perfect place." Jack suddenly said as he rose up.

"Come on!" Jack added as he grabbed Elsa's hand

"Come on where?" Elsa replied as she followed Jack.

"Just follow me. You'll see." Jack replied and they flew up in the air, again.

As they flew for the second time Elsa didn't scream much as she did in their first flight. She was calmer and more eager. Since she now knew Jack better she put more of her trust to him. A few minutes later they reached the other side of the mountain where the sun, the sky and the sea was more visible.

It was the perfect sunset. As they landed Jack created sheets of snow and they sat there watching the sunset. The horizon was painted with warm shades of orange and pink with some touch of purple. Moreover, they saw the division between night and day. When the sun was finally gone the stars and the moon replaced the sky. It twinkled and shone so bright in their dark environment.

"I've always stared at the sky and never seen it this bright." Jack said.

"I thought they always looked like this." Elsa chuckled.

"They don't. Look, the moon, it's saying something. It says-" Jack said

"It says what?" Elsa asked. But Jack just stared at the luminous satellite with mixed emotions.

"It says hi." Jack finally managed to say.

Elsa looked at the moon and replied to it. "Hi there moon."

Jack laughed "Is she now talking to you too?"

"No, not really. I just thought the moon would like a reply from me too." Elsa said innocently to him.

"That's cute." Jack said. He looked at her dreamily.

Elsa blushed and after a few seconds she made a snowball and threw it to Jack.

"Hey!" Jack shouted as he made a snowball for himself and threw it back to Elsa.

Elsa just laughed and pranced around. She felt like a kid again. She was even surprised that she was actually enjoying herself. After a while, Elsa was running downhill when she tripped and rolled downwards the slope.

"Elsa!" Jack shouted worriedly and went immediately to find Elsa.

A few seconds later he found her butt first and covered in the snow and he quickly let out a huge laugh, which contagiously made Elsa laugh too. They were like little 5-year-olds in a playground going on and about. It was all fun and games and the enjoyed the moment. When they were done laughing they lie down again.

"Look Jack, the sky is awake." Elsa said as she pointed back at the sky.

"Yeah." Jack said as he turned his face to the sky but then suddenly his eyes shot up.

"What is it?" Elsa sounded surprised.

"Emergency, from the North Pole. I've got to go. We gotta go" Jack said as he took Elsa's hand

"Wait, give me a second to at least arrange myself." Elsa told Jack.

"No time for that!" he said and they immediately flew up in the air.

"Woah! Go easy Frosty." Elsa joked to Jack.

"Now, I have nickname all of a sudden Queen Snowbutt." Jack replied.

The ride back to the palace was a bumpy one. The winds were growing It was a quick ride and he was really in hurry.

The moment they landed Jack readily wanted to fly away but Elsa bought a few seconds with him while Jack was slowly flying further away.

"Jack! Wait! What happened?" she asked.

"I don't know Elsa, I still have to find out. I'm worried." Jack replied to her.

"Well, good luck and take good care Jack. " Elsa told him.

"You too." he replied.

"Wait! Will I ever get to see you again?" Elsa added.

"You will." Jack replied.

"When?" Elsa asked again.

"Soon!" Jack shot back.

"How do you know?" she shouted back.

"The moon told me so." Jack replied

Elsa smiled and waved goodbye to Jack. He waved back and flew away further to the North.

"I trust you Jack Frost." Elsa thought as she held her hand and went back inside the ice palace. She was alone once again and she was more alone than she ever felt before, but unlike the last time a spark of hope grew inside her heart and it was enough and she had Jack Frost to thank for that.

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