Chapter 14: Flight

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The four guardians looked at each other and then stared at Cupid.

"What?" the little blonde boy asked.

"You could've warned us that you brought friends!" Bunny retorted.

"Well I'm sorry, I was in a hurry since we were looking for Jack!" Cupid said.

"A little warning could've sufficed Loverboy. Look, they fell faced first to the ground. I don't think teenagers nowadays are used to seeing us." Santa said.

Tooth approached the fainted trio.

"I think I remember handling their tooth which my fairies gathered for me. What an unusual childhood it must for both of them. It's also weird watching teenagers sleep when I'm accustomed to children." Tooth said.

"Do you think you can wake them up from their dreams?" Bunny asked.

Sandy sighed and then he snapped his fingers, dusty and golden alarm clocks ringing and racketing appeared above the trio's head. A second later, they all woke up. The trio sat up.

"What just happened?" Anna murmured to Kristoff.

"I don't know I think I just saw—" Kristoff replied but he stopped when he realized that Santa was staring at him.

"Saw what?" Santa asked.

Kristoff screamed so loud that Santa covered his mouth.

"Relax kid." Santa said

Kristoff continued breathing heavily and nervously and then afterwards he slowed down.

Anna on the other hand felt like fainting again. She couldn't believe what she was seeing in front of her.

"Wait, let me guess, so you're Santa Claus, he's the Easter Bunny, he's the Sandman and you're the Tooth Fairy?" Anna said to Tooth.

"Who else can we be?" she replied.

Anna laughed so hard that she snorted in the middle.

Santa raised an eyebrow while Sandy stared at Anna.

"Is she going loony or what?" Sandy asked.

Anna continued laughing and said "You must be joking! I mean it's not possible that the, uh, all of them are here at the same time right Kristoff?"

But Kristoff was astounded and Anna suddenly realized that they are the real deal.

"OH MY GOSH. Eeeek—" Anna choked.

"So if the four of you are what?" Kristoff asked.

"The Guardians as we are more popularly and collectively known." Bunny replied.

"Then who is he? Am I imagining him too?" Kristoff pointed to the little blonde boy aka Cupid.

"No, that's—" Tooth started.

But Cupid suddenly transformed himself to his original appearance.

"Cupid. You know, handsome as ever." Cupid replied in his deep and somewhat amorous voice.

Anna's jaw fell. So did Kristoff's. And Sven's.

"Always the show off." Bunny smirked as he rolled his eyes.

"Sorry 'bout that little disguise. Anywho, we need to find Jack and her sister Elsa asap. Where to?" Cupid asked gallantly.

But Anna just stared at Cupid looking awestruck. Kristoff looked at Anna and dragged her away steps further and talked to her.

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