Chapter 1: Summertime Sadness

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It was the first time Elsa has ever felt free in her whole life after being locked up all alone in her room in their castle.  Now, she has this place for her own wherein she can let her powers go freely while creating wonders, but then she was the recently crowned queen of Arendelle and she needed to do her job but then she thought “I could hurt them with this…” she looked at her hands and slowly fanned away her thoughts. “I’m all alone, Queen of isolation. Can I ever be happy?” Elsa looked around, it was beautiful, what she created, but she feared that she could never have someone to share it with. She walked towards the balcony where she stared longingly at the view. She was on top of the world but she misses her parents and Anna. It was a terrible mistake to run off without even an explanation, but this was a better alternative than taking another chance to hurt the people. She was afraid, she knew that she can never believe in herself in controlling this cursed powers of her. While she was staring at the view someone called out to her.  “Psst,” it echoed and her eyes opened wide, full of surprise and fear and then she looked at her left and there he was. “Ahhh!” Elsa screamed as icicles were created on the floor. The person was also so surprised that he fell from the patch of ground from the mountainside. “Oh my goodness, can’t I ever go on a minute without impaling somebody?.” Elsa thought as she looked down at the palace’s balcony. He was gone. “Oh my gosh. Did I kill him?” she said but then he spoke again. “Don’t worry, I’m fine.” He said assuringly.

Elsa was still surprised. And the guy said “Chill, you’re such a scaredy cat.”

“Oh am I?”

The guy just looked at her.

“Look, I’m sorry I kind of almost killed you. You surprised me, I thought I was alone up here” she said.

“No need to worry. I thought I was alone here too, but then a castle sprouted up and I thought “Hey, a neighbor, might as well check it out”.” he joked.

“Wait , what are you doing here and who are you?” she asked.

“Oh right, sorry, uh that was rude, the name’s Jack. Jack Frost.” he said and grinned with a smile that put all the glimmer into the snow.


Jack was just "flying around" and following the path where the wind takes him. It was summertime at home and it somehow meant that he have the free time to spend his time alone or exploring. He figured "Why not go through some snowy mountains and take a rest?" The wind took him to his favorite place somewhere in Northern Europe. It was a place in Norway near a kingdom called Arendelle. It was one of his favorite places during summer since it was always winter. It always felt like home. He figured this location during the 300 years he was bringing flurries to the world. When he finally reached the side of the mountain he created himself a small snow fort and slept.

A few minutes later he felt the ground rumbling. "What the? Is it an earthquake? Impossible. It never happened here for years." he thought. So he stood up and decided to check it out and flew to other side of his mountain (Well he preferred to call it his since he was the only one who took the place as his own for decades.)

As he flew to the other side all he can manage to say was "Woah." Before him lay a large ice palace so delicately and ornately designed. It was magnificent and it shone on the rays of the morning sun. "Why didn't I ever think of this?" he said to himself and flew closer and quietly to the edge near the balcony. He wanted to observe the surroundings first after all he can never be too sure. It might be Pitch but then that crazy old Boogeyman was trapped somewhere in the darkness and can never quite create something as wonderful as this.

After a short while the door to the balcony opened and there came out a girl. Well it wasn't just a girl, it was a pretty lady with blonde hair and a dress that looked like snowflakes and icicles forming a gown. She looked sad and hurt and she also looked like a person who needed cheering up. He decided to create a snowball and throw it to her since it was fun but then he thought that "This is not a kid. I might cause her more anger." So Jack decided to just get her attention like all guys do. "Psssst." he said and the rest was history.

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