Chapter 2: Different

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Hi guys! Here's more of my story. I hope you like it. Please review them if you can. Inspire me! Thanks! :D

Elsa stared awkwardly at Jack "What's the matter?" he asked. She quickly shook her head and said "How… how did you get from there to here?" she pointed to the ground and to Jack's current place. She sounded so stupid she wanted to slap her own face. "Ohh, that… That is complicated to explain. So I'll just show you." Jack replied and afterwards he went to the rails of the balcony and jumped over it.

"JACK!" Elsa screamed fearing for that guy's life and she ran quickly over to the rails but Jack flew up and sat at rails like nothing happened.

"Man, you're such a worrywart." Jack sneered. "You have shouted so often and we've only just met. No offense." he added.

She looked at Jack and he never seemed to stop smiling like she couldn't stop worrying hence leading to a lot of screams.

"What's your name again?" Jack asked.

"Oh," Elsa laughed "My name, I forgot, I mean not that I've forgotten my name it's just that I've forgotten to tell you my name." she babbled quickly while Jack gave her a funny look.

"What?" she suddenly asked.

"Nothing." he chuckled "You were saying?"

"Ah yes, my name is Elsa." she said and grinned to Jack.

"Nice to meet you Elsa. So what brought you here?" Jack finally asked.

"I was about to ask the same question too." she replied.

"But I asked you first." he said playfully to Elsa while he put his chin up on his staff. He looked as if he was a little kid waiting to be told a story.

"I- It's complicated." she said and then sadness took over Elsa again. Of course she wanted to tell someone her story, what she felt and maybe even ask some advice on what she can do. It's so hard to be alone all those years.

"Come on you can tell me. It's just you and me." he said wanting to be felt approachable to Elsa.

As much as she wanted to tell it to Jack, she can't. First of all he's a stranger, second it was so hard to explain everything from the beginning, like she said it was complicated.

"I want to but I'm… different." she said. At least that statement has truth in it. She was born different. Ever since she can remember she was unlike any of the other people who were born "ordinary" and "normal". After all, being the daughter of the King and Queen of a kingdom, you can never really have that ordinary and normal life but being born with powers just made her the "Princess of All Weirdos" scratch that, she almost forgot, she was now the "Queen" of it all.

Jack looked pitifully to her and said "It's alright. Different is good. I'm different too." After a while Jack flew up again as Elsa stared in wonder.

"So you can fly." Elsa said approvingly.

"Not only that." he winked to Elsa. Seconds later he was creating flurries of snow and it patched up on to the ground. He laughed as he created the snowflakes. He was swirling up on air like he was a part of it. He even brought the chilly air with them and as he made it blow stronger, it made Elsa flutter for a while.

Elsa was so amazed. She was speechless. She was awestruck. She laughed like a little girl again after so many years of isolation. She never imagined this day. She never knew she could ever find someone like her, at least someone with the same ability to create snow like her. A little burst of hope sparked in the young Snow Queen.

And with that Elsa looked at Jack with hope that she can understand her new companion and invited him to come inside the palace she just built. "Tell me your story." she asked. "Gladly." So they both went in and the balcony doors was shut.

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