Chapter 11: Lost

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Here's the new update! Sorry it took so long because I've had a very busy month in school. But now I'm on vacation and I hope you like this new chapter! :D


Jack woke up with his head throbbing with pain. The last memory he remembered before he blacked out was falling down into the cold, dark air. Afterwards when he opened his eyes he was surprised that the first person he saw was Elsa tied up and staring down on to the floor.

"Elsa!" Jack wondered.


"How did you get here? Why does Pitch have you too?"

"Jack, it's Cupid."

"Why? What did he do to you?"

"What? No. It's me, Cupid."

Jack closed his eyes again and the next time he opened it he saw Cupid tied up.

"Oh." Jack replied both relieved and disappointed.

"Fancy meeting you again Jack and this time I'm not the only one tied up. Still daydreaming about that Elsa girl, oui?"

"Oh, just shut up."


"Where are we?"

"Kielder Forest. Or at least underneath it. Pitch's new lair."

Afterwards, a door opened squeakily and Pitch appeared to them.

"Well now, look who's all tied up."

"I don't understand why I need to be tied up all time." Cupid whined.

"Why do you need us both in here?" Jack interrogated Pitch

But Pitch just replied with a long, menacing laugh.

"The both of you look so adorable being helpless. I can't believe I can ever hit two birds with one stone."

"Wrap it and shut it Pitch. Let us out of here!" Cupid demanded.

"Na-ah. Not yet, lover boy. First, I need to do some experimenting. Let's see. Who wants to volunteer? Eeny-meeny-miny oh let's just get this over with." Pitch said and then grabbed at Jack's chair and dragged him outside and into another room.

"Let me grab something first. Don't worry, I know you'll be easily bored, so I brought something to entertain you. Enjoy." Pitch said as a baby tooth fairy came in and shut the door completely.


Anna stayed true to her word that it would be a day lived to its fullest. After the breakfast they had, they immediately dressed up to go to town. Elsa was glad she could talk and interact with her people. She saw how productive Arendelle was with its hardworking men and women. Children ran on the streets playing with their toys and with their friends. They visited a bakery/patisserie where they bought some cookies and chocolates. Afterwards, they went in a bookstore where Anna found a good book to read. They also went to the market where different things ranging from food to clothing were being sold. It was a wonderful day because she got to bond with Anna and because by the end of the day the quietly watched the sunset by the docks.

"Look at that painted sky." Anna commented.

"Yeah. It's like magic. It's so enchanting. And oh, look the silhouettes of the ships just gives it a more romantic feeling." Elsa added.

Anna suddenly looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" Elsa asked.

"Romantic feeling? Whoa there. Never thought I'd hear that from you." Anna replied sounding surprised.

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