Chapter 7: Unrescued

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Here's a new update. I hope you guys like it :)

Riding the sleigh was still not easy for E. Aster Bunnymund aka Easter Bunny. At some point he looked like he was going to vomit, being the only creature who was not used to flying.

"How long is this going to take North?" Bunny asked.

"Few minutes, we'll be there." Santa laughed.

The ride wasn't making it any easier for anyone. Bunny can't seem to stay calm in one place, Tooth was worried about work and leaving her fairies again and North was loud as he usually was, singing Christmas carols throughout the ride. Meanwhile, Jack was unusually quiet and smiled to himself during the ride but then Tooth noticed.

"Showing off those sparkly whites too much aren't we?" Tooth said to Jack.

"Oh, am I? I never noticed. Jack replied with an unfading smile.

"What's gotten into you, eh?" Bunny interrupted.

"Nothing, I just-"Jack said.

"Jacky, met a girl!" Santa sang.

"Wha? How did-"Jack asked, surprised

"I can see it in your eyes, I can see it in your smile…"Santa continued singing.

"Keep your eyes on the way, North." Bunny said.

Sandy looked at Jack and told him in images that "Looks like Cupid struck you."

"You too Sandy? Come on guys. I-"Jack continued.

"Jack met a girl! Jack met a girl!" the group chorused.

"Fine! Just shut it. Haha. Okay, I'll admit it. I met a girl." Jack said.

"Oooh. Who is she? Is she pretty? Can she fly too?" Tooth asked eagerly.

"She's-"Jack said.

"Imaginary?" Bunny joked.

"Perfect, especially for guy like me." Jack finished shyly.

The others stared at Jack, surprised.

"Well, don't look at me like a bad guy." Jack stated.

"Tell us more about how you met." Tooth asked Jack.

"I'm sure that won't be necessary." Bunny added.

"Shhhh! I'm listening." Santa said.

"Ugh." Bunny said as he jokingly covered his big ears.

And then Jack told them all about his meeting with Elsa. He realized that although it was only for a short moment he told the story lengthily, although he spared the more sensitive details which he would like to keep to himself due to the fact Elsa was facing difficult times.

"She's wonderful. I mean, I never met someone I can connect with. She, Elsa, with her it was just like…magic. All throughout my life all I've done was to keep people cold whenever I touch them but with her there's like a fire raging inside me. Not that I'm overreacting but really, it's an inexplicable feeling of warmth and belongingness." Jack finished.

Sandy looking satisfied with his tale was dreamily gazing at Jack.

"Cheesy." Bunny interrupted but Tooth punched his shoulder.

"It was a lovely story Jack. So, when will you see her again?" Tooth asked

"I don't know. As soon as we finish this mission, hopefully." Jack replied.

"I hope you're all inspired with Jack's story cause we're here." Santa announced to the group. They arrived at a countryside manor somewhere near in mountainside France. It looked abandoned for quite some time because the windows were broken, some were barred, and the roof was missing some parts of it.

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