Chapter 4: Snow

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"I was born with this magical power. I've had this ever since I can remember. My mother and father was proud of my abilities but usually they try to conceal it from the people since it was a rare chance that the daughter of the king and queen was unusual." Elsa said.

"So you're the daughter of the king and queen of the nearby kingdom." Jack said "Your highness." he added and did a bow.

Elsa blushed slightly and frowned in a sudden "You didn't have to do that. I don't deserve to be their Queen. I'm supposed to be with them but look at where I am now. I have abandoned them." she said and shook her head.

Jack reached for Elsa's hand but she pulled herself away from him.

"Please, don't touch me I might hurt you." Elsa warned him.

"What happened to you? " Jack asked sadly to Elsa.

"I…. I was born with this power. It was fun at first. It was the source of all joy in the family. I can create little snowmen and snowball with just my will to create it. But then there were complications. Whenever I'm feeling angry, hurt, sad or even throwing a tantrum at all my power isn't a blessing anymore. It's like a curse, which usually leads to accidents. Once, my sister Anna and I were just playing but then as a little girl you sometimes get irritated when someone gets too playful. I threw a tantrum. It snowed hard in a summer's day and Anna was half-buried in snow, which caused her to get sick for a week. That was when my parents got worried. They told me to control my powers and my emotions. It was all going well for a while, Anna and I were ever so close playing all the time in the castle with my powers contributing to the fun. But then one night I…"Elsa suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong? What happened that night?" Jack asked

"Anna woke me up in the middle of the night. She can't sleep and all she wanted to do was still play. We were still little kids and she loved my powers. It was magic for her. I can't resist my sister so we went down the hall and played. It was such a wonderland. We built a snowman, skated and sled. But then we enjoyed ourselves too much, Anna especially. She started to jump on snow mounds while I created them but then I slipped. Anna was still jumping around and instead of letting her fall down the ground I…I had a bad aim. I hit Anna with my powers and she fainted. She was cold. My parents came in and found help, with the trolls by the mountains. They were able to cure her but they had to take away the memories of Anna with my powers. After that Anna and I were separated. We used to share a room together you see, but then they transferred me to another room. I was all alone. We were both alone. I was locked up in my room cause I didn't want to hurt anybody. My powers were getting stronger each day. Conceal it, don't feel, don't let it show. That was my motto for half of my life." Elsa narrated sadly to Jack.

"So nobody knew you had powers. Only you and your parents." Jack said to Elsa.

"Well, everybody now knows." Elsa stressfully admitted to Jack.

"What? How come? I thought-"

"I accidentally exposed myself. Anna surprised me. She was immediately engaged for heaven's sake. She snatched my gloves which helped me conceal my powers and then…"

"And then you let it go and thought "Why not live in the mountains where it snows?" Am I not right?" Jack asked Elsa.

"Well, somehow." she replied to Jack and grinned at him.

Jack and Elsa just stared at each other.

"Now we know each other's background that makes me your friend now, eh?" Jack asked.

Elsa never had any friends. Acquaintances perhaps but throughout her life she was alone especially when the accident happened. She was glad that now she had one she can consider.

"Of course, as long as I am your friend too." Elsa shyly said.

After some awkward silence and idea dawned on Jack's mind.

"Hey, I know that it's a weird question but have you ever flown before?" Jack asked

Elsa was a bit surprised and a bit shocked. She always wanted to fly but then it was scary.

"What if I fall down from the sky? I've never done it before. Is it impossible?" Elsa thought.

"No thank you Jack, it's-"Elsa excused herself.

"Come on Elsa, you can trust me. If you can't at least trust yourself. Have fun for a while." Jack said and offered his hand.

"Come on, don't be afraid to touch me. You won't freeze me to death." Jack added.

"How did you know?" Elsa asked, full of doubt.

"We're both different aren't we?" Jack assured her as Elsa saw hope for the first time in Jack's eyes.

And for the first time in forever Elsa held someone's hand. He didn't faint, he didn't turn into an ice sculpture, he didn't die (thank goodness). He was still Jack Frost with the smile that sparkled like snowflakes. In fact, when she touched his hand she felt the warmth she's never felt before. Was it even possible for an "ice" to feel whole and at the same time feel warmth? She had so many questions but at that time it was that moment that only mattered and so as they become one with the wind and sky the doubt and questions she had in her mind and heart for her lifetime also flew away.

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