Chapter 17: Moments

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Listen while reading(if you want): Afire Love - Ed Sheeran watch?v=JznXx1Ns374

New York City at night from above looked like stars that fell from the sky. Millions of lights were lit and everything was just so alive. It seems that everything can happen from every corner of the street and now Jack knows why it was called the "city that never sleeps". As they were flying through at a distance, Jack looked curiously at Elsa wondering about the things he could've missed with her.

"How did we meet?" Jack asked from out of the blue to kill the silence between them.

"Oh, well, you kind of sneaked up on me while I was in my "palace". Elsa replied.

"Why?" Jack asked.

"Well, you were kinda sleeping when I built that castle or rather my "fortress". Elsa replied.

"You built that? That's so cool! I wish I thought of that." Jack said.

"That's what you said when you learned that I built it." Elsa smiled.

"Really? Tell me what are the other things that I missed?" Jack asked.

"Well, to make things short you kind of inspired me to be strong and to be confident in my abilities. You see, I was losing faith when we met. I was scared of the world. I felt isolated and then you came with the same abilities that I had and you encouraged me to embrace it. I am filled with gratitude that's why coming with you guys here is my help in return." Elsa replied sincerely.

"I'm glad I could help. After all it's what Guardians do right? To help people believe." Jack added.

Elsa just smiled.

"You did more than that." Elsa thought.

"Anyway, I think it's time we should set on foot. There are too many lights here and Pitch should be waiting by the shadows." Jack said as he descended on the near by isolated park.

"I think it's best we mix with the crowd." Jack replied as he magically made some shoes on. Elsa on the other hand had transformed into a civilian. She kept her hair braided but she was now wearing a short shite dress topped by a simple powder blue cardigan. It was a simple ensemble but it stayed classic and elegant.

"You look...nice." Jack blushed a little.

"What's wrong?" Elsa asked.

"Nothing. That will do." Jack replied.

"Shall we go?" he added.

"Let's do this." Elsa replied and they walked among the busy streets.

"This could've been our date. Wait, what? Use your head Elsa. You are on a mission and you're helping Jack. After this, you go on your separate ways. After all you have a kingdom to run and Jack, well Jack's a guardian and he'll be busy all the time." Elsa thought. They were walking along the avenue and they passed another hotdog food cart for like the 4th time and there was still no sign of Pitch.

"How did you say would we find him?" Elsa asked Jack, feeling hopeless from finding Pitch and worried on what happen next after what happened to Jack.

"Usually his Nightmares prance about the area, and usually he shows himself to me." Jack replied.

"Ohh great." Elsa said feeling a bit tired.

Just when they thought they were running in circles, a quick and loud rumble was felt.

"What was that?" Elsa asked.

"That would be Bunny's distress signal." Jack replied.

"Quick, grab my hand. We need to quickly fly to them." Jack said.

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