Chapter 3: Frost

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Here's the next chapter. I hope it's getting longer. Haha! :)

As Jack went inside with Elsa, he was still overwhelmed by the interior of the palace. "So, you did this all by yourself?" Jack asked.

"Yes, isn't it wonderful? I never thought I could create something like…this." Elsa chuckled as she introduced her new home to a new friend.

"How long did it take for you to build such place?" he asked curiously.

"Ohh.. I don't know, a few hours, I think." she replied sounding embarrassed.

Jack stared blankly and wide-eyed at Elsa and then said. "That's…. Wait I can't seem to find my words. Ummm impossible, no, no, no… Spectacular! No! That's not enough. Crazy, not even… Magical! That's it! How did you manage all of this?" he asked. "All I can manage to do was build forts, but not this well maybe it's because I haven't tried it. But how?" he added.

"Well being locked up in your room pretty much had widened my imagination." she joked.

He and Elsa sat down on a chair and settled themselves there.

"Cozy." he said

"Your welcome, so tell me all about your story" she asked careful to not sound overeager.

And then Jack started his story as he told many times over his head and to kids who asked him about it.

"Darkness. It was the first thing I remembered. It was dark, cold and I was scared. I was alone. But then I saw the Moon. It seemed to chase the darkness away and then I wasn't scared any more. I never knew why I was there and what I am supposed to do and part of me wonders if I ever will find my purpose but then as I touched my staff here ice began to form. I suddenly felt happy and free. Then the wind took me places and I began to wander. Then, I found this little village I didn't know where I was so when I started to ask where I am people seem to not see me. I was only sure that I was invisible when a little boy passed right through me," Jack narrated as he looked at Elsa sympathizing with him.

He continued with his story "I never felt so empty that moment. I didn't understand why they can't see me, I mean I look like them but as I told you, I'm different. Back then I didn't understand why of all the things I can have I had this power. I can't even remember my name but then all that the Moon told me is that my name is Jack Frost and crazy enough, I believed that it was the right name I've had all along. At first it was really hard to accept the fact that I am invisible but then I looked at the bright side. I have the ability to create frost and snow. It was an awesome blessing that nobody else had so I have the chance to do a little mischief here and there. It was fun, I can prank anyone and they wouldn't see me. Years passed and I was getting a little bored. So while I was flying around I saw this mountaintop. It was like any other mountain you can see anything from up here but I felt that somehow this could be my place the year round while it wasn't winter yet at home. After all I need a "summer house" far away. It's boring just to stay one place forever but it's also sad when you have nowhere to go to at the end of the day." Jack said.

"How long have you've been roaming around?" Elsa asked wondering how Jack seemed to have all the time in the world.

"About 300 years give or take." he replied.

Elsa was shocked. If she was drinking something at that moment she could've squirted the drink all over Jack's face, good thing she was not.

"That's… Oh my goodness. You look young but you're old." she said.

"Woah there, I'm not yet done with my story so don't judge me about being old. I'll always be a kid at heart you know." he said defensively.

"Sorry, I never thought I'd meet someone like you. Please, continue." she replied.

"Thank you, so after all the decades of routine something just changed. It was a few days before Easter, the day I saw Jamie." he said.

"Who's Jamie?" she butted in.

"He was the first kid to ever believe in me." Jack said.

Elsa was touched. She wished someone would also believe in her too as but that was complicated for the present.

"So," Jack continued "Jamie was just another kid who believed in what all kids believed in, the Guardians."

"Who are they?" she asked.

"Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny and Sandman. You don't know them?" Jack said sounding shocked.

"I knew it! I knew they were real!" she thought.

"No! I mean yes, of course I know them, I just didn't know they were called as Guardians." she said out loud to Jack.

"Now you know them." he said humbly to Elsa "So at that moment I thought why not give this little kid some fun and so I made him sled all over town. It was fun but then afterwards I realized he still couldn't see me. It was disappointing until the Easter Bunny came and some Yetis kidnapped me and took me to the North Pole! The most shocking part came when they said I was chosen to be a Guardian. I refused of course. It felt like a trick but then the Tooth Palace was invaded by Pitch Black aka the Boogeyman. Are you still catching up?" Jack asked Elsa noticing that she looked a bit overwhelmed.

"Yes, of course. Please continue, I've never heard of such wild adventures such as yours." Elsa said eagerly to Jack.

"Then after all the tooth were stolen that the Tooth Fairy said that the teeth they collected held memories and mine was also stolen along with the bunch. So I was convinced to help them. Fast-forward to the main point Pitch got hold of me and I was gone for a while. Easter just finished and slowly the Guardians we're becoming weak since lesser children we're starting to believe in them. It was my fault actually. I was supposed to help them and not let them down." Jack said sadly as he reminisced.

"Just like I was supposed to help my people and not let them down." Elsa sadly replied as snow started to fall inside the palace.

"Hey there, cheer up. I'm still not finished." Jack replied "So, I flew away from there and ended up the mountains near here. Pitch tried to bring me to the dark side but he never really convinced me in the first place. Going to the lowest point in my life my staff broke and I was hopeless until I got hold of my memories and knew my purpose. Children all over the world did not believe anymore except Jamie. I made him believe in us as he made us believe that it's not over yet. At that point he can finally see me because he finally believed in me. It was the most wonderful point of my life. So in the end we defeated Pitch and I took my allegiance as a Guardian." Jack said finishing his story. "What do you think?" he added.

"So you're now a Guardian too?" Elsa asked.

"Recently." he replied.

"That's amazing Jack. You made them believe in you and practically saved childhood. I wish I was as amazing as that. But then how could I see you if I'm not a kid?" Elsa replied.

"Maybe because your powers are as real as me?" Jack guessed.

"Probably." Elsa confirmed.

"It took me centuries for me to find my purpose. But hey you'll find yourself too. I know it. So what about your story? I though I was going to hear yours when I told you mine." Jack said.

"Sure," Elsa blushed softly. "Don't be in such a rush. You probably know that I have "icy powers" too. Right?" she asked Jack.

"Probably, how else would you create this eh?" Jack said and they both laughed.

"Here it goes…"Elsa replied.

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