Chapter 19: Gravity

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When Elsa opened her eyes they were back in the woods. She was still a bit weak after pitch struck her with the silver arrow. Then, she looked around and knew she wasn't back to her kingdom because the trees were different and it felt different. It was dark but the moon showed the hints of rocks and pine around the area. When she tried to move, she almost fell into the water. They were in the middle of a lake.

"Where are we exactly?" Elsa asked. She needed to know where she was. She wanted to know if Jack was coming soon.

For the first time in a long time, she was scared. She was afraid of what Pitch would do. No wonder children were afraid of the dark. Darkness leads you to the path unknown and when you take that path, you wouldn't know if you would fall or fly. Elsa, while being with Pitch, know that it would be soon when she would fall into something she could never get out of alone.

"Isn't it familiar? Shouldn't Jack have brought you here already?" Pitch said with mockery.

"No. Why should he?" Elsa stated.

"Well dear, this is home." Pitch grinned.

Elsa was surprised. "So this is his home"

She looked around. It was quaint and held a sense of peace that Pitch has now disturbed.

"I thought that if we should play, it's always best to bring it back home." Pitch sarcastically remarked.

Elsa has no idea what Pitch is planning. She looked up and saw that the clouds were starting to cover the moonlight and before it totally became dark she silently whispered "Whatever happens. I hope Jack will be safe."

When everything was drenched in darkness, ice started to form around the trees, the rocks and the water. Everything was frozen.

"Looks familiar now isn't it Your Highness?" Pitch barked at her and laughed.

"Shut up, Pitch!" Elsa angrily replied and tried to attack Pitch with her powers.

"I don't think so Your Majesty." Pitch said as he deflected her attack and she fell on her back. Elsa stood up quickly. She may be feeling weak now but she was definitely not going down without a fight.

"I admire your persistence Your Highness. I like it. It's so exciting!" Pitched said as he laughed some more. He looked like he was enjoying this and looks like he won't tire anytime soon.

Elsa was having a hard time. She just recently controlled her powers and was still learning more from it.

"Jack, I hope you get here soon."

And soon, as if the heavens heard her, a light appeared and out came Jack and the other Guardians.

"PITCH!" Jack shouted. Jack was already frustrated. Pitch kept on playing over and over on him again and this time he included Elsa on a mess that she wasn't even a part of.

"Jacky! I thought you wouldn't come! Anyway, right on time!" Pitch smiled.

Jack sent a flurry of icicles to Pitch but he disappeared and the icicles shattered upon impact to the rocks.

"Looking for me?" Pitch whispered behind his back. Jack was surprised and swung his staff to Pitch but he disappeared again. Pitch was on at an advantage. He had a game play at mind and Elsa was the bait. Whatever it is, he mustn't lose, he vowed to be a protector, as a Guardian and as Elsa's friend.

"Enough with this game, Pitch!" Jack said as he gritted his teeth and pounded his staff on the rock and a wave of ice cold air appeared and stopped everything that is in motion.

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