Chapter 12: Blind

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Sorry it took a VERY long time for this update. School keeps me busy. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! <3


Cupid escaped the chase for only after a few minutes. He went straightforward to North Pole. It was a quick journey although he expected that the North will be much nearer than he expected. As soon as he got there he was hugged by Tooth.

"Cupid! Thank God you're all right!" Tooth said warmly.

"Where have you been? Where's Jack m'boy?" Santa asked.

"We were brought to a cave down under. The situation is worse than we thought; I believe that Pitch is duplicating my silver arrows to hundreds of thousands. We were kept under the factor. Jack and I saw it on our way out.

Everyone gasped.

"The world will be…" Tooth started.

"A massive disaster." Bunny finished.

"Chaos." Santa added.

"I told Jack that we should meet here. There were a lot of them chasing us and so we split apart. He should be here any minute now."

"The best thing we can do now is wait for him to come back." Tooth murmured.

"And while waiting, tell me, Loverboy, since the silver arrow makes everyone else filled with hatred is there a cure if ever we got hit by it?" Bunny asked.

"Yes, hitting it with a golden arrow, which is unfortunately with Pitch. He got it when he captured me." Cupid replied.

"Well, that's a problem." Bunny said.

"Yeah, it is. Bigtime. If I don't have it, we might as well lose hope." Cupid commented.

"Don't say that!" Sandy reacted and looked at Cupid fiercely.

"Sandy's right, let's not jump into conclusions first. But first, we need to put a halt into this massive production of evil." Santa said optimistically.

After an hour and a half of waiting and discussing, Jack still did not arrive.

"Could Jack be captured?" Tooth said sadly.

"I don't think so. If Jack could escape while Pitch is in front of him he can always manage all else." Cupid replied.

"Then where could he be? We are wasting time!" Santa said loudly.

"We need to find Jack." Sandy suggested.

"Yeah, right. Great idea Sandy but where on Earth would we start looking for him? Where would he go?" Bunny complained.

Then Santa's eyes lightened up. "I think I know where!"

"Where?" Sandy asked.

"To his lady!" Santa exclaimed.

Everyone looked at Santa, dumbfounded.

"What a stupid suggestion! We don't even know where that girl lives! And why on Earth will he go there?" Bunny said.

"Wait! That's a great idea! I know where that girl lives!" Cupid remarked.

"You do?" Tooth asked, surprised.

"I just remembered because I was flying by Arendelle on the way here. A girl named Anna was strolling by and she looked like she needed a little push to gain a "love life" so I struck her with my golden arrow. I hope that girl feels better now. Boy will she fall head over heels to that guy. Anyway, I remembered over hearing that her sister's name was Elsa. Afterwards, well, I got kidnapped."

"How will we know that this is "the" Elsa? There hundreds of Elsa in the world!" Bunny exclaimed.

"Well it's worth a try." Tooth said.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go get Jack!" Santa said and prepared to leave.


It was the break of dawn and the sun will be almost out anytime soon. Elsa watched as Jack paced back and forth while observing the view from the inside.

"He seems so quiet now. What's going on in his mind? He's not himself. He wasn't like this when we first met. But how will I know who he really is if we just met? Ugh. Don't be stupid again Elsa. You don't even the guy too well. But still…" Elsa thought.

"What a wonderful view you have here." Jack suddenly said.

"Thank you, I—"

"It would be wonderful if I can have this to myself though."

Elsa stared at Jack surprised and disgusted.

"Well, don't look at me like that, I was just sharing my thoughts."

"What do you want from me?"

"Hmmm, let me see. Nothing at all. This is about my wants. I want my own place. I want to establish my powers. I want to make a name. I have a dream you see."

"And what's that?"

"To make this world a better place; to make my own winter wonderland? Isn't it nice?"

"No, it isn't"

"What? Did I just hear you correctly? Wouldn't you want to be the world's ice princess?"

"I'm already a queen."

Jack look surprised.

"My apologies your highness, I'm surprised. I know you're a queen. Duh. I mean we have the same powers don't we? Why wouldn't you want to share my vision?"

"Because it isn't right."

"Not good enough for me!"

"Because the people will die if they live in a frozen world! They will go numb. They will starve. The warmth of their bodies can't cope up in a freezing world."

"Well, that's their problem that they couldn't cope with people like us. Did you know that I've wasted hundreds of years? I could have been with my family. I could've grown old. I could have had a normal childhood and then build my own life. But then, I realized I was blessed with this power! It would be such a waste to keep this hidden, wouldn't it? You of all people should know that."

"But it's not the right way! There still another way. We always have a choice."

"Who are you to know what is right and what is not? I didn't have a choice when that man in the moon chose me to transform to who I am now."

"I didn't choose to be born with this power. At least you had experienced some kind of normalcy. I lost my whole childhood. But hey, I had a choice. I had the chance to be different and to be better."

And then for a moment she saw the old Jack's eyes. Caring, full of wonder and understanding. For a moment, she felt a connection with him. It was only for a split second when his eyes returned to a cold and harsh stare. They say that the eyes are the window to the soul and while she looked at his eyes, it was like as if Jack had lost his soul.


Please review and share! Hope you guys liked it! Thanks! xoxo

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