Chapter 6: Hearing Voices

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Jack reached the North Pole in no time. He was glad that he could now come there to Old Claus's place most of the time since he was always welcome, unlike in the past where he failed miserably to bust-in. It was funny memory and it was amazing on how so many things can happen at such a short time. Three centuries were catching up on him on the things he missed. Everyday seems to get more exciting but also dangerous. The moment he reached the North Pole in Santa's Workshop the Guardians were already there and they were already wondering what is about to happen.

"Hey, what's going on?" Jack asked the group.

The rest of the guardians just looked at him. It was a serious situation, Jack predicted. He knew there was trouble, but he wasn't sure what the reason was.

"Hello? What's up? Could somebody tell me, please?" Jack tried again.

"Terrible news, mate. Last night while they were collecting teeth, one of Tooth's helper fairies came upon a Dream Tear." Bunny replied.

"What is it?" Jack asked.

"It's very powerful. It's rare and it contains the dream that a child has, so when you touch it you can see the child's dream." Santa added.

"My fairy has just finished putting the money under the pillow when she saw it from the child's face. As she gently picked it up she was nearly knocked out and then saw the dream. She saw Pitch in it. She brought it back to me and I made sure of it and it was Pitch and looks like he's back." Tooth announced fearfully.

"But, I thought we locked him up? Wouldn't it take at least another century for him to go back?" Jack asked once more.

"Pitch always seemed to find a way, as he always had ever since. But that's why we're here, to protect children from him." Santa told them.

A few minutes later the moonlight shone upon them.

"Ah, just right in time. Man in moon!" Santa rejoiced. For a while all four guardians looked up for what the moon has to say. After that, the Moon was done.

"Looks like where on a mission, again." Bunny said

"Jumping jellybeans, why does he always get in trouble?" Santa added.

"Because he's so dreamy. Not that I have a… never mind." Tooth said.

"Wait. Who's Cupid? What happened to him? What's his concern with the children anyway?" Jack suddenly asked.

"Everything." Santa replied and with that the five Guardians went with Santa where the sleigh awaited.

A new day welcomed again the young Snow Queen. Elsa, still alone in the palace, stared at the empty place. Deep in her heart she knew she missed Jack even though she just met him. Then, she remembered Anna, she just met Hans, the Prince of the Southern Isles and both were madly in love with each other. Could it be possible that it was also the same with Jack?

"Don't be crazy Elsa, just because you found someone like you doesn't mean he is the one for you. Besides, you still don't know him that well even though he told most of his life story to you. But then, you're also still a Queen, who ran away and abandoned her own people. Gosh, Elsa! If you can't handle your own responsibilities how do you think you can handle even the thought of falling in love?" Elsa murmured to herself whilst looking at her reflection.

"You are a crazy one. Yes, you are. Ugh. Snap out of it Elsa. Snap out, don't feel, get out, conceal it, snap out!" she continued and ended up slapping her face to wake her instincts up.

In the end when all Elsa could hear were voices in her head, she headed for the balcony. She needed someone to talk to. She remembered Jack, but then when will she see him again? He never told her when and she never knew.

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