Chapter 13: Tracks

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New Update! I hope you guys enjoy! :))

For a moment out there Bunny felt lost. "Are we there yet?" he asked. They were on air for a while now and these frequent air travels were making him feel nauseated, being unattached to the ground was not really his forte. "Just a few more seconds and you will also the kingdom of Arendelle." Santa replied as he drove the reindeers. Everyone else started to look at a distance and sure enough, after a few seconds, they saw Arendelle.

"Wow." Tooth said as they saw the majestic land surrounded by the moutains and the sea. The weather was nice since it wasn't too hot for summer. The air was chilly and the clouds were floating fluffily.

"Where do we start here?" Bunny asked as they landed on a soft patch of grass just a short distance away from the town.

"I can go," Cupid volunteered. "After all I can disguise myself very effectively. Why do you think love moves in mysterious ways?" he finished as he winked at Tooth, who blushed a little afterwards.

"Enough with the love puns. Okay you go and ask around if they know where the Elsa girl is, while the rest of us can explore the woods if ever they are here." Santa said.

"Then we should meet here exactly after an hour." Tooth announced.

"Well then, I must be on my way" Cupid said as he suddenly transformed himself into a little boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. The little boy waves back at them, grinned and left to go to town.

Sandy yawned and tried to lie down when Santa picked him up.

"Come on Sandy, let's scout the place first." Santa said as the four of them searched.


The town was quaint yet lively. Arendelle was really a gem hidden from most of the world. Ships were docked by Arendelle's port while birds were flying near the mountains where some houses were located. As the little blonde boy entered the town he saw other children playing around with their tiny kites, wooden swords and paper dolls. A fisherman just got off his boat while a woman was selling fruits nearby. He smelled the fresh flowers displayed by a shop and as he continued to walk, he smelled the freshly baked bread, hot out of the oven. The castle was widely seen and is connected by a stone bridge. The little blonde boy aka Cupid went towards the castle. People were gathering by the grounds. He was heading towards the castle door when he was pushed over to the ground.

"Owwww." said Cupid as he fell down and stumbled.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! Are you alright?" the girl said as she helped him to get back on his feet.

"I guess." he replied as he arranged his clothes and patted the dust off he looked at the person who bumped him and saw a strawberry blonde girl with some freckles upon her face.


"Look, I'm so sorry little boy but I'm in a hurry. I mean I'm looking for—Never mind. Sorry again!" she said then suddenly she gazed at a blonde guy and the shouted "Kristoff!"

Cupid stood by and then followed Anna.

"Kristoff!" Anna said as she approached him.

Kristoff was just exiting his sled when she ran for him.

"Whoa there, what's the matter?" Kristoff asked calmly.

"Have you seen Elsa?"

"Not yet. Why?"

"She's been gone all morning and when I checked her room, she wasn't there, when I checked every room in the palace, which I might add is very huge to search for, she still wasn't there! She's not here! Where could she be? Oooooh my. The people can't know that the Queen is missing!" Anna said frantically to Kristoff.

"Hey, hey, hey. Chill down Anna, we'll find her." he said to Anna as he shook her shoulders. "Now, where do you think she could've gone?" Kristoff asked.

"I don't know, I- wait. I know a place she could've gone!" Anna said and jumped around.

"C'mon, we don't have any time to lose!" she added but as she turned towards the sleigh, she once again saw the little blonde boy she bumped into.

"You're searching for the Queen?" the little boy asked.

Anna grabbed the boy and placed her hand on his mouth. "Shhh! No one needs to know!"

The blonde boy nodded and Anna let go of him.

"What do you want with the Queen?" Anna asked, curious.

"I believe she's with my friend." he replied.

"What friend, Elsa hasn't got any friends, well, at least none that I know of." she said.

"Well, I'm looking for my friend too, he's lost and I have this gut feeling that they're together." he said to Anna.

Anna doubted but Kristoff whispered "Maybe, she made friends with a little boy too while she was gone before."

She thought of the possibility and agreed to take the boy with her.

"But first, what's your name?" she asked.

"Cu-, Carter your royal highness."

"Anna, nice too meet you Carter. This is Kristoff by the way and of course, Sven" she introduced.

"Right, off we go then." Kristoff said as he rode the sleigh.

"Wait, can my friends come too? We split up a while ago and we promised to meet by the edge of the town and forest." said Cupid in his little blonde boy voice.

"Sure, the more the merrier eh?" Anna replied.

"Great!" he said and jumped in with the two.

"Off we go Sven!" Kristoff announced.

When they reached the edge of the town, Cupid, disguised as a little blonde boy, immediately jumped off the sleigh.

"Guys! I'm here!" he shouted to the empty surroundings. Afterwards, he whistled an unusual sound. The winds came and shuttered the trees. A soft tremble on the ground was felt and suddenly Tooth, accompanied by Sandy appeared. A second later, Bunny sprang from the ground and then another second later, Santa landed in front of them.

Anna, Kristoff and Sven were so dumbstricken that they fainted face first to the soft snowy patch.

Comments? Suggestions? Share this to your friends. I'd appreciate it very much. Thank you! :)

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