Chapter 9: Infatuation

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Here's the new chapter! I hope you guys like it. Sorry it took a while as I was busy with school works. Enjoy! :)))


Everything was still a blur. Confused and lost, Elsa found herself to be still in the middle of what once used to be the Fort of Arendelle. But alas, she continued to walk on. After a while she saw a figure in the haze of the winter storm.

"Anna?" she thought. But the figure grew closer and all she knew was she needed to run away, but the figure, who happened to be Hans, saw her and called out her name.

"Elsa!" he screamed desperately. "You can't run from this." Hans added.

"I can. If you would just let me go far away from here and then you will all be safe." Elsa thought.

"Just take care of my sister." Elsa pleaded. Anna deserved someone to take care of her and sadly it was not herself.

"Your sister? She returned from the mountain, weak and cold, she said that you froze her heart. I tried to save her but it was too late. Her skin was ice and her hair turned white. Your sister is dead, because of you!" Hans spat at her.

"No.." was all Elsa could say.

Thoughts, regrets, anger and most of all, sadness went barging on her mind and in her heart. She twisted and turned. She couldn't stay put. She felt as if her heart was ripped out of her chest.

"No, this could never be. It's impossible. Anna's not dead. I mean, I didn't do anything did I? Did I? Anna's dead? Anna is dead because of me? No…" Elsa thought and at the end she broke down. She felt like she was going to faint but since there were too much pain, all she managed to do was hang on to the ground for support and cried. She zoned out into her own mind palace. She zoned out and that was when the horrible blizzard came into a halt. Time stood still in Elsa's mind as her surroundings did the same. It was the moment of truth where all the screeching pain and deafening silence overwhelmed her all at once. She was on the brink of going lunatic and the edge of thinking of hurting herself. It was her fault after all that her sister was dead. Once again she was left alone, lost, dazed and helpless but this time she was completely on her own. But her thought s were disturbed by a familiar voice, shouting.

"No!" she screamed.

"Anna?!" she thought as she turned around and saw her sister blocking Hans from almost killing her but suddenly Anna turned frozen as Hans was thrown in the air. It all happened too quickly.

Elsa stood up and observed her sister and broke down in tears. Only this time the pain hurt twice as much. For one second she thought she could have her sister back only to be frozen, for real.

Inexplicable sadness once again took over Elsa and for the first time in a very long time she hugged her sister. She was always afraid of touching her because of the accident and now she realized she never can again. She really loved Anna but that love was blocked by so much fear. She wished she could do something to bring her back again. She still had so much to say and so many things she wanted to do with Anna. She wished she could have another chance to be a better sister to her only sister.

Then the sun shyly came out and suddenly Anna moved.

"Anna?" Elsa realized that her sister was back to normal and quickly hugged her as she was reunited with her.

"You sacrificed yourself for me?" Elsa asked Anna teary-eyed.

"I love you." Anna replied.

"An act of true love can thaw a frozen heart." Olaf realized.

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