Chapter 18: Memory

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Jack had enough of being chased after by the Nightmares and he was not going to let Elsa handle Pitch alone. He was trying very hard to be at her side so no matter what happens, he'll be there to protect her. Elsa had no idea what Pitch was capable of and Jack was not sure what he could be capable of after the recent incidents that happened. He was not going to let her be fed to the darkness. As he went nearer to Elsa, he saw her eyes widened, out of surprise and out of pain.

"NO!" Jack shouted.

He grabbed Pitch and punched him hard. It was one of those rare moments of pure anger and he had to use his pure bodily strength to incapacitate Pitch. It was not as powerful as compared to using his staff but it felt good, better than all the throws he had given Pitch from all the previous fights. Meanwhile, Elsa was falling down. Jack made his way to her. He did not care whether Pitch would harm him while he turned his back and went to Elsa. As of the moment, his main concern was Elsa and only Elsa. He caught her before she hit the ground. Elsa was breathing heavily and her eyes half-open. She was slowly fading. Pitch disappeared again.

"Jack..." Elsa murmured.

"Don't worry. I got you." Jack replied.

"You have to finish off Pitch."

"But y-"

"You have to put an end to Pitch. You have to save the world."

"But we need you to be safe. I need you to be safe."

Elsa smiled weakly and caressed Jack's face. Jack touched Elsa's hand. It was warm.

"I love you." Jack said.

"I love you." Elsa replied.

A moment of silence surrounded them.

"Now, I need you defeat Pitch." Elsa said.

Jack understood. He finally knew what it meant to loved and be loved the way no other person can give it to him. However, he understood that both of them knew that they had a duty to protect the world, whatever the cost. Elsa, as queen, knew that the safety of the people had the come first. Jack, as a guardian, knew that he had to protect the greater good.

He laid down Elsa on a park bench. Jack stood up.

"I'll come back for you" he whispered silently to Elsa.

Jack was once again energized. It was not rage or anger. It was determination that filled him up in order to save the world.

"He hurt Elsa, and I'm not going to let him do the same with the others. This is my world. It's not for him to play and destroy it."

Jack flew up high on the air.

"PIIIIITTTCCCHHH!" Jack shouted.

Thunder rumbled. The dark clouds formed heavily than before. It grew colder.

Then, he heard a faint laugh, like an echo in the city.

Suddenly, Pitch reappeared.

"Pity. I thought she would last longer than that. My mistake." Pitch said sarcastically.

"You." Jack pointed his staff at him.

"Yes, yes. After all the protection you did, it still was not enough wasn't it?" Pitch continued teasing.

"You have crossed beyond the line. You will not win. Not anymore. No escape. Not this time." Jack said

"Try me...again." Pitch said.

"Very well, for Elsa, for the Guardians and all the people of this world." Jack replied.

Then dark and frost collided.

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