Chapter 1

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Hello~ I hope you enjoy this fan fiction. I will update in chapters. So expect one atleast once a week.
Thank you^^

Narrators POV
"(Y/N),  please report to the principles office. " announced the loud speaker.  The entire C class giggled and laughed at you because they knew where you were going. You simply gave them a death stare and growled,  causing them to shake in fear.
As you closed the door with your bag over your shoulder,  you could hear them talking.

"She's a monster.. "
"How did she even end up in this class? "

You shrug off their comments.  You already knew you were never going back to C class.  You stop walking,  turn around,  jolt to the class door,  open it,  and throw your arm up the air with your middle finger extended.  "SEE YA MOTHER FUCKERS!! " You yell at the class as they gasp in fear.

Your POV
Those damn morons.  I think to myself. The names (F/N) (L/N), 14 years of age, total badass,  and superhuman. Of course,  I live alone.  My mother and my father, both died of the same cause.  I giggle at myself. Still walking to principle Asano's office.
Finally reaching the door,  I bust through it without a care in the world. 
"Hey teach!  How's the job going? " I lean one elbow on his desk,  only inches away from his face. "Ya know,  your a fucki-" he cuts me off. 

"You are being transferred to E class Ms. (L/N).  I suggest you sit down and listen. ",  I tilt my head,  but sit down anyways. My feet were getting tired anyway.
Suddenly,  a tall man with narrow eyes and spiked hair sits across me.  Oooo,  he looks important.  What is he a big shot? I'll make him wet his pants on the first day. He wore a black suit.
He began to speak,  "My name is Kurasuma.  I am a federal agent from the government and your phys ed teacher for class E." what the hell? Federal agent?  Government?  Tilting my head on my fist,  I look at Kurasuma, "You have my attention. " I say,  intrigued. "Good. ",  he starts again. "The class you are preparing to join has a special assignment. " he slides a piece of paper with a smiling green and yellow striped,  thing,  on it towards me.  "What the fuck is that? " I say,  with an eyebrow raised. Kurasuma just looks at me sternly.  "This is a government secret. They call him 'Koro-Sensei'.  He has a speed of moch 20, " I start to laugh uncontrollably. "Moch 20?  You have GOT to be kidding me!! So,  soo impressive. " You say sarcastically. Kurasuma just looks at you annoyed.  "this is not a laughing matter. Anyways,  he has a plan to destroy the earth by the end of the school year. And for an unknown reason, he wants to teach a class until that period of time. So it is yours,  and the rest of the classes job to kill him before then. " Im still tempted to laugh, but I stop as he slides two objects towards me.
"You can use these to kill him. The class calls these 'anti-sensei weapons.  These can neutralize the target." "Dude,  it's a rubber knife and b-b's. What the hell kind of damage can be done with these? " I ask,  giggling a little,  but his stern look shuts me up. 

"They're made from a special material that can destroy him. Use these,  and it's possible to kill him. " he replies.

"Well,  Mr. Kurasuma,  nice to be working with you. " I shake his hand with a devilish smirk on my face.
Pfft, Moch 20?  Don't make me laugh. For a girl that goes moch 60,  this is child's play. Plus,  I was being trained as an assassin since I was born.  Piece. Of. Cake.

Oooo,  cake sounds good right about now~

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