Chapter 10

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Your POV
Okuda brings the chemicals and Nagisa grabs the b-b's. We all walk down the hill to the street and steal a shopping cart from a wal-mart down the street.
"Put the things in here. As well as yourselves. "
They all look at me confused.
"Just get in the fucking cart. " Okuda, Nagisa, and Karma jump a little and quickly get into the cart.
Karma quickly grabs onto the cart with a death grip, Nagisa did the same except to Okuda, and Okuda to Nagisa. They look Cute together. I then push the cart with all my strength and run at moch 60. I snap a picture of Okuda and Nagisa Holding each other. This will be very useful. I smirk, still running.
We finally reached my house. A large two story house with tinted windows and (a light color) paint. Nagisa's hair was frozen upward and his eyes were stuck closed. Karma was perfectly fine, and Okuda had her head burried in Nagisa' chest. Me and Karma both snap about two hundred pictures of them. We both say in sink with an evil grin on our faces., "Blackmail~".
We enter the house. "take off your shoes before entering. Break something,  and your ass is fucking mine." I glare at all three of them. "I'm all yours sweet cheeks.", Karma says, smiling perversely.
I open the fridge and bend down, struggling to open the drawer at the bottom. Karma slaps my rear, but I don't react due to it not really affecting me. I finally open the drawer and toss three canned teas at them.
"Follow me. " I gesture to them as we walk up the stairs and to my room.

I open a drawer and pull out a long Katana. "This baby is gonna be used in the assassination attempt.",  they all look confused tilting their heads. "Can you even use it (Y/N)?" asked Okuda shyly. "Of course I can. It's not only for show."

"But, it's just a normal katana. It can't affect Koro-Sensei. "Nagisa says. "Tsk tsk~"

This was a short chapter,  but I an writing this pretty late at night. I'll start chapter 9 some time tomorrow. Good night peeps^^

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