Chapter 11

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So as the lazy writer,  I decided to skip on to the mid-terms. And the assassination plan will not be revealed to the reader until the assassination happens. Good luck my trained moch 60 assassins. ^^. ⊙ω⊙

Your POV
It was finally midterms. It was almost assassination day. There's no way I'm going to pass these...  I thought to myself. If anyone's gonna pass,  it's Karma. Usually,  I have good grades but coming up with such a detailed assassination attempt took up most of my time.
"Okay class. Midterms take place tomorrow on the main campus. Then it's break time! ",  The entire class sighs in relief "but~ ",  of course there's a catch. There's always a catch with him. "Anyone who doesn't score in the top 50 has to stay at the school and hand clean every single classroom on the old campus and the main campus.",  "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS BANOCTOPUS?!" I scream at him,  but the entire class Burt's out laughing. Oh yeah,  they never heard me call him that before. I chuckle,  and quickly look at the irritating eight tentacled bastard. "I am very serious Ms. (L/N). I even have permission from the principle himself. " I bang my head on the desk. I may be able to finish the work in about five minutes flat,  but I hate hate doing chores.

~I time skip brought to you but the irritating banoctopus~
It's now midterms Day. The test were beyond brutal. After we finish our tests,  I don't even bother to look at the score board,  knowing I failed. I was putting my (H/L) (H/C), in a ponytail until I hear loud gasps from the group in front of the grade board.

Someone then grabs me by the waist and spins me around,  I was about to be in battle mode, until I saw Karmas face. I loosen up, as he gives me a soft passionate kiss. "What's that for?" I ask breaking our kiss. "Do you want to know who made the number one spot in all five subjects? (including home economics )"
"Sure as hell wasn't me. ",  I roll my eyes and stare at the ground. "Actually you're wrong. It sure as hell was you.", My eyes widen as I jump from Karma's arms and use my super human strength to shove the entire crowd away. I look at the scores, and I screech in glee. I made top in all five classes and Karma made second in three of them. He almost beat me in math by a single point.

It was finally our break. Meaning that our assassination attempt will be going in way very soon.
I think I'll make the next chapter based mainly on you and Karma. Just to get some of that missed action. I'm sorry if this story isn't what you expected,  but I still humbly hope that you continue reading and enjoy every bit of it.

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