Chapter 15

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Hey peeps~ sorry my updates are taking longer. I've been working on the plot and character design of a new story I'm writing. I hope you guys can forgive Me. Gomen ne. 🙇.

Your POV
It's been a month since our last assassination attempt. You know, the one I failed. I was really down about it so Karma visited me everyday at my house. I felt less lonely. Normally we would watch movies, but we couldn't get through the last half of them because it always ended up as a hot and heavy make out session,  then someone would walk in on us, and they WERE ALL DIFFERENT DAMN CLASSMATES.
After dealing two weeks with walk is, we finally gave up. Deep in thought of my depression stage, I didn't realize when Karma had snaked his hands around me, nestling his head in my neck.
"Hey, you're here early.", he says, his face still in my neck. I had came early because I felt at ease here. It was around 7:10 in the morning.

"Why are you here so early Karma?", I ask him, striking his cherry colored hair back softly.
"Well, I was gonna sneak into your house at 6, but you weren't home. So I decided to look for you. And I found you here."
I lean to the side,  staring at Karma's adorable face. I peck him in the cheek, and his face flushes red. I giggle at how cute he was. He looks back at me, face still red. "now that's not fair. I have to be the one to surprise you.", he remarks.

"That is not tr-", he cuts me off as he slams his lips onto mine with a passionate kiss. It put me into a trance, as I lost sight of my surroundings, and only focused on him. He learns in closer, putting more depth into the already deep enough kiss.
He takes his hand and places it I underneath my thighs, picking me up and placing me on the desk in front of me.
I start tugging his shirt a little, and he pushes his hand up my thigh, pressing at my womanhood with his thumb. I

slightly moan and wrap one of my legs around his waist as he pulls my body closer to his.

He starts moving his other hand that wasn't on my lower area under my shirt as I start to unbutton his, until we hear a gun shot in the classroom.

Me and Karma both pause, still holding each other, but we parted from our kiss and look at where the shot came from. Nagisa had his annoyed face on, with a smoking gun pointing near me and karma.

He shot an anti-sensei b-b at us.

"We use these desks Karma, chill.", almost half the class was behind him laughing. Rio Jumped out of the small group of students, "And I made sure to take lots of pictures.", she pulls out her phone and shows Karma with lustful eyes touching on me.

"Again? You have a problem Rio." one of the students in the back says.

I still had much legs wrapped around Karma, who blinked a few times. We both nodded at each other and tackled Rio. Karma deleted the photos and smirked evily.

The entire class files in about a minute later.
"What happened in here?", Rio was unconscious on the floor and karmas shirt was completely unbuttoned, and mine was only halfway down, showing a hella lot of cleavage.

"Karma got hot and heavy wit (Y/N) for the three hundredth time already."says Terasaka who was in the small group that came first.
"It's not our fault you guys keep popping up out of no where and interrupting up.", Karma says tilting his head back a little, giving him a sadistic look. 
"He's right ya know.", I hop up, and my breasts bounce a little. All the other male classmates nosebleed, I forgot to fix my shirt.
"oops." I say. Kayano growls at me. "Damn you and those big ass tits!!". The entire class laughs at her. I fix my shirt and look over St Karma.
"Karma, "
"Hmm? "
He looks down.
I am really tired writing this. So if there are any mistakes or misspelling please let me know. Thanks^^
Mmk, so I went through it, and I saw so many damn typos like omg. I don't even know what I was thinking. I'm laughing at my failure right now.

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