Chapter 2

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Well,  this is chapter 2~ I'm not sure if people have read chapter 1,  but I was bored and wanted to update.

Narrators POV

You were eager to start your first day in class E. So excited in fact,  that you woke up an hour before you were supposed to. "No big deal. ",  You said to yourself,  as you get into the shower and change into your school uniform.
Using your moch 60 speed,  you make yourself a meal in half the time. "Thanks for the food. " You grinned.  You then started creating your plan to take out Koro-Sensei.  It was 7:00 by the time you finished eating. So you use your speed to go to the store and buy the materials you need. And then you start to make your way up the hill of class E.
Time skip~
Karmas POV
I was walking with Nagisa when Kayano suddenly popped up from behind us.
"Did you guys get the e-mail from Mr. Kurasuma? ", she asks us.
Me and Nagisa reply at the same time
"Sure did. "
"We're having another student.  Let's hope it's not another death machine like Ritzu here. " I say.  Ritzu appears on my phone screen. "That's rude Karma. ",  she says.  "but,  if you want it, I do know some things about the new student. " she gleefully tells us. "Well, tell us! " Nagisa pushes.
"Well, she's 14 years old. Born on (Birth date).  Like Karma was,  she was transferred here for behavioral issues.  But... Hers were far worse. "

"So it's a girl? " asks Kayano.

"Yes. " Ritzu replies.
"She did something worse the KARMA?! " Nagisa says in shock. I judge him in irritation.
Ritzu continues.  "Her grades are off the charts,  and her physical education grades are nothing to sneeze at.  All the reports from her past gym teachers is that she's the fastest and most agile person they've  ever met in the history of teaching. From her health reports,  her reflexes are inhumanly fast,  and she's never gotten sick or had any allergies.  Apparently,  she lives alone. Her records from primary school are unknown. "
This new girl.... What is she...?
Time skip~
After Koro-Sensei finishes saying role,  Kurasuma walks into the classroom. "I see that (Y/N) didn't show today." Suddenly,  the room fills with smoke!   I see she's made her move.
I knew she was up to something. Then,  I hear Koro-Sensei scream in pain. Nothings visible,  but I can tell almost the entire class stood up due to the sound of chair legs screeching across the floor. Then I heard the sounds of guns being pulled out. Might as well grab mine too. I pick it up from the desk and waited for the smoke to clear.

Your POV
The smoke finally clears,  and I see the octopus on the ground,  but still breathing. "Dammit.",  I say. Even after I used moch 30, the octopus wasn't dead.
And.... NOW.  I set off the smoke bombs,  blinding the target. I crash through the ceiling and onto the floor. I pounce onto the yellow octopus with full force using both my hands holding onto the anti-sensei knives with a death grip. I slashed at the octopus, causing him to loose three tentacles,  falling back and screaming. I slow down to my normal human speed and try to pull out the gun,  but the octopus grabs my hands and legs,  tying them with his slimy disgusting tentacles,  pulling off my mask.
"Damn you you fucking Octopus. " I mumble to him.
I move my finger. Pushing the trigger up my sleeve to release. Shooting a anti-Sensei knife out of it and cutting off the tentacle trapping my hands. I go moch 30 again and cut off his other tentacle that was tying my feet. He didn't see how fast I was going due to the shock of the lost tentacles. 

The end of this chapter ^^ eehehe did you like the action or what? Anyways,  don't worry because chapter three is coming up as soon as I finish the little parting paragraph. Baii^^

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